The century of allergy
Author: Alexander Yezovit
Friendly Fire
Wide dissemination of allergic diseases has made them global medical and social problem. More than 20% of the world population suffers from allergic diseases, and every year the number of allergic pathologies is increasing everywhere. Globally, allergic rhinitis overcomes every third person, and one in ten suffers from asthma.
Therefore, experts say about the allergy epidemic that swept most of the world, which also tends to rise in this century, so that someone calls XXI century - "the century of allergy". Moreover, as noted in the past 30 years, every 10 years, the number of allergic diseases is increased 2 times.
In all of this, medical science does not at the moment an unambiguous picture of etiology of allergic diseases.
That is, there is a general notion that an allergic reaction is a response of the immune system to get into the body of foreign proteins, allergens, but why any particular substance that is absolutely harmless to other people suddenly turns allergen for a particular person, - no specialist you will not say this.
Although the mechanism of allergic reaction is determined.
In the human body, there are so-called "mast cells" - specialized immune cells of the connective tissue, which are analogues of blood basophiles. These cells are present in all organs where there is connective tissue; their function is to produce antibodies against foreign proteins. Allergens are those proteins.
If any allergen, for example, milk protein (milk is 90% of all cases of food allergies) comes into contact with the mast cells, the cell immediately produces antibody - immunoglobulin E (IgE), specific for the protein. But during the initial contact with the allergen and the formation of antibodies to it, an allergic reaction does not occur, but that causes so-called sensitization of the organism to this antigen.
But let the same allergen will try to get again into the sensitized body - then allergic reaction occurs immediately. Mast cells immediately begin to release histamine, which causes all allergic reactions - hives, and swelling, and itching, and all them together; and even lowers attention. Then already you must have to go to the pharmacy and buy an antihistamine.
On the surface of each mast cell there are simultaneously IgE, sensitive to different antigens - from 5000 to 500 000 IgE molecules on the surface of each mast cell! In fact, these are indicators of the availability in the body proteins that the immune system found hostile. Mast cells of allergic patients carry a lot more molecules of IgE, than in healthy people. The amount of antibodies on the surface of mast cells is dependent on the level of IgE in blood.
In Greek, "allergy" means "otherwise act". Allergy - that is erroneous action of the immune system, its disorder, disease. If we imagine the immune system as a frontier barrier, the allergy - it's friendly fire. An allergic reaction occurs because the immune system begins to react to harmless proteins as harmful to the body.
It is necessary to distinguish between an allergic reaction and pseudoallergic. The same display as in allergy - swelling, redness, headache, gastrointestinal tract disorder - may be caused by intolerance to certain products, mainly food.
To remove the allergic reaction is necessary to suppress the production of histamine, because it is the cause of swelling, redness and other allergic symptoms. It is also necessary to prevent the entrance of histamine into the cells - to block histamine receptors. To do this, antihistamines are prescribed, such as diphenhydramine and claritin.
However, there are many natural products that not worse perform this task without causing side effects such as, for example, drowsiness and apathy after receiving diphenhydramine. And, if you suffer from seasonal allergies, then these means should be made in advance.
These natural remedies include vitamin C (С 1000 Plus, С 300 Plus, С Plus), Coenzyme Q10, complexes containing ginkgo biloba (q-Protect, Mega q-Protect), immunity improvers (ImmunAid, Polinesian Noni), digestive enzymes (Meal Time, Digestive Enzymes, Digest Ease).
In allergies, you should always take mineral supplements containing calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium. Calcium is especially important, because it binds allergens
Theories of allergy. Blood groups
Various kinds of diseases, which are attributed to allergic, nevertheless, are so different on the mechanisms of development, that there are several popular theories of occurrence of various allergic diseases; and the same disease in different cases can be explained differently. For example, there are five or six theories of psoriasis, with only one of them can be called strictly speaking allergic. The main reason seems to be that still no one really can not explain why the immune system suddenly starts to interpret innocuous substance as its worst enemy.
According to one of the existing theories, the root cause of allergy may be viruses and bacteria, to which the body produces increased sensitivity, usually in childhood. It is unclear, however, what is the allergens in germs and viruses. Any infectious agent has antigens against which immune system cells produce antibodies. But it turns out that some infectious agents also have allergens, and it is unclear what kind are these protein - the same or different.
Usually, it comes to the microbial or viral allergy when a child had been ill with influenza or acute respiratory disease, complications arise in the form of shortness of breath, cough obsessive during many months. The disease seems to be gone, but the typical allergic reaction remained. This means the development of a microbial or viral allergy in the form of asthmatic bronchitis.
There is also a neurogenic theory of allergy, based on the fact that the disease often develop after stress, functional nervous disorders, neuroses, in the presence of neuritis, as well as on the fact that in some cases, skin rashes localized along the nerve pathways. This, of course, is quite justified, as a result of stress, excess stress hormones causes the death of beneficial microbes in the gut, leading to a decline in immunity.
The exchange theory is based on the fact that in many allergic diseases, there are disturbances of protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Thus, for example, found that diabetics (violation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism) often suffer from psoriasis. Therefore, psoriasis is sometimes called "cholesterol diathesis" or "skin lipidosis". For the normalization of lipid metabolism in psoriasis, your doctor may prescribe lecithin and its group: Cholestone, fat burners.
Fair exchange theory is also supported by the fact that often the allergy can be cured by the use of an appropriate diet.
There are hereditary theory, and even 4 allergic gene were found. However, while only one of them is studied. This gene is responsible for the production of growth factors such as interleukin-4, without which immunoglobulin IgE can not be produced. But if IgE is not produced, then there is no production of histamine, no allergic reaction.
However, the matter is dark because not the fact of IgE production is important there, but, namely, that it is produced beside the point. But, at least, elevated IgE level in the blood is the same factor by which we can distinguish the true allergic reaction from pseudo-allergic. So, of course, in certain cases, the connection to heredity is present.
The role of genetic factors is also evident in the laws that bind the tendency to allergies with blood group. Allergic reactions generally more common in people with blood group B (III), the following is the group 0 (I), then A (II), and the least allergen-challenged is blood group AB (IV). However, since displays of an allergy are respiratory, food and skin, the inside of this hierarchy there is also an additional differentiation on blood groups in every kind of manifestation of allergic reaction.
Therefore, there are differences in treatment regimens of allergy according to human blood groups.
For example, for blood group A and AB vitamin C is important, namely from rose hips (С 1000 Plus, С 300 Plus), and quercetin.
For the group В, magnesium is very important (Strong Bones, MagneZi B6, Green Care).
And for all blood groups, enzyme bromelain is needed.
All of these components are contained in complexes of series Vital, tailored to the characteristics of each blood group, so most effectively is to solve the problem of allergies, since the transition to nutrition on blood group, supplemented by taking one of the Vital complexes.
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Added: March, 2015
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