Displays of allergies
А. Food allergy
It manifests itself in the reaction of the immune system - excretion of IgE in response to allergens contained in certain foods.
Food allergies can be also on the particular product - for example, peanut. But peanut is now added to many foods: chocolate, candy and more. It can also be the case with other legumes and other products. Therefore allergy to any one component can lead to intolerance of a number of foods.
It can also be observed the cross-reaction: in the case of peanut allergy, it can manifest itself also a reaction to other legumes, which have similar proteins, as well as to other products, not even necessarily from the same family. It is noticed that if you are allergic reaction to bananas, avocados, kiwis and other similar tropical fruits, most often there is an allergy to latex proteins; but these are surgical gloves, various pipes, chewing gum, etc.
How is food allergy treated?
Well, of course, primarily by diet. Definitely, products inducing the reaction, should be excluded. Very important is the transition to the nutrition on blood group, as well as in the treatment of such diseases as obesity, diabetes and autoimmune diseases.
The first place in food allergy belongs to blood group 0 (I). It is found that many food lectins are allergens for this blood group, including lectins of milk, wheat, wheat sprouts. These lectins provoke release of interleukin-4 in the body. This may cause diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, hives - just instant swelling, which immediately disappears as soon the allergen ceases to act. It maybe even the onset of chronic allergic colitis, which is practically not treated.
When food allergy, noni juice is very good, because it normalizes the immune system. Noni juice is a immunity improver - dietary supplements of this category are so called because they do not just stimulate the immune system (as in the case of allergy, it is not yet known what this can lead), but also bring it back to normal operation, if necessary.
In addition to Noni Juice, this category includes also ImmunAid, which comprises Cat's Claw and zinc. Besides Cat's Claw, as well as Rhodiolin, reduces the need for coffee.
In individuals with blood group 0 (I), milk intolerance can be also expressed (due to the absence of lactase enzyme). However, this is not an immune response, but a manifestation of pseudoallergy that can be shown by analysis of IgE in blood. It may also be a reaction to the Dutch Cheese - headaches due to intolerance of tyramine (one of the biogenic amines). It is also called "cheese effect". However, although it is not an allergy, the same supplements help also in this condition.
B. Respiratory allergy
Allergic diseases are seasonal, and it is most characteristic for respiratory allergy - reaction to inhaled allergens, most pollen of flowering plants: trees, grasses and weeds.
Depending on the type of allergen, its validity period may begin in early spring and terminated with autumn frosts, depending on the place of residence. And if there are several allergens, the respiratory allergy can be almost year-round.
The pollen can be small and large. Allergies are caused by small pollen. The most dangerous allergens include:
- From early spring - pollen of trees: oak, maple, ash, elm, birch, alder and others;
- In late spring and early summer - cereals bloom: wheat grass, timothy, fescue, bluegrass and other;
- In late summer and early autumn - the main cause of hay fever are weeds: ragweed, sagebrush, orache, halophyte, tumbleweed etc.
Therefore, especially in the south, suffer hay fever year-round. It is necessary to prepare for the onset of this period - two weeks before the beginning of the flowering plants of each species, you need start to drink Noni Juice.
There is also such an allergen as dust mites. Therefore, if you have an allergic patient in the house, you must often do wet cleaning and get rid of items that collect dust.
The first place in the frequency of respiratory allergies belongs to blood group B (III). Incidentally, the problem of normalization of immunity for this blood group can be solved with the help of the amino acid Arginine.
In general, allergic rhinitis is difficult to be treated. According to Eastern philosophy, a disease in which mucus is secreted associated with an imbalance of the elements. The accumulation of mucus in the body shifts the equilibrium toward the cold. To help the body expel mucus, you need to suppress the cold in the body.
"Hot" means with sinusitis and other similar diseases - these are Garlic and Parsley, Bee Power, Smokerade. But they can not be used at elevated temperatures. In this case it is better Noni or ImmunAid.
In all cases of increased mucus, it should also normalize the activity of the kidneys. An excellent tool for this is Foot Detox Patch, as the feet have kidney area, which receives the impact.
C. Skin manifestations
One must distinguish between cutaneous manifestations of allergic reactions and allergic skin disease. Cutaneous manifestations include dermatitis, allergodermatoses - eczema-like diseases caused by contact of the skin with substances-allergens. While the skin diseases include some types of lichen, eczema and psoriasis.
Atopic dermatitis occurs in children as an immediate allergic reaction. It can continue until the 25-40 years. With age, the production of immunoglobulin IgE in the body decreases, and therefore children are often "outgrow" atopic dermatitis.
In atopic dermatitis, hereditary predisposition plays an important role. Health is transmitted to child from mother, and intelligence - from his father. If the mother has allergies, this may manifest in childhood, for example, as atopic dermatitis.
Experience in the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children by dietary supplements includes appointment of calcium and magnesium (Strong Bones), Lecithin, AC-Zymes - for a long time. Proteolytic enzymes also are useful (Meal Time); they help normalize digestion, because not fully absorbed food residues form toxins that can cause pseudoallergy. It is necessary to drink a lot; juices are the best; you can add also chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is a beautiful detoxicant for bowel, blood and lymph. It can be given to children from 6 months. Doses: from 6 months to a year - 1/4 tsp in 1/4 cup of water 1 time per day on an empty stomach. After 6 years - 1 tsp a glass of water, take two weeks or more. As an alternative to chlorophyll, you may dissolve Green Care in water.
Eczemas are often associated with the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, so without cleaning the intestines, these are difficult to cure. Eczemas are in pure form: moist, dry, etc. But there are also eczema-like diseases, which include, for example, seborrhea. Therefore, it is difficult to cure seborrhea pills or ointments - it's an allergic reaction; it's necessary body cleansing, antihistamines and restoration of intestinal flora.
Allergic phenomena can also be caused by harmful manufactures, para-traumatic violations with chronic venous insufficiency of blood circulation (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, etc.). Here, too, is needed a full course of purification of the excretory systems of the body (seven degrees of cleansing), as well as diet, eliminating sugar, salt, milk, flour, smoked and fried foods.
About 5% of the population suffer from various types of eczema.
Psoriasis affects about 2% of the population. Official medicine considers psoriasis an incurable disease. Role of treatment is to increase the duration of the remission period. Not studied is also the impact of immunity state, in terms of quantity of immunoglobulin IgE.
In children, psoriasis may occur after pharyngitis. People are most concerned that the exposed skin areas become unpleasant views, but in fact, if psoriasis is not treated, thereafter it may provoke a systemic disease - joint damage. In psoriasis, 20% of people feel itchy, but in 20%, it subsequently passes into psoriatic arthritis (this is regular pain!).
Isolated pockets of psoriasis may coalesce and form plaque. Under the microscope, in this place you can see vascular involvement. Therefore it is recommended to take Omega 3 fatty acids.
The division of skin cells in psoriasis is 1000 times more than the norm. Therefore, always necessary to solve the problem, how to suppress it. Cytotoxic agents are used for this purpose; these stop the division, but may also affect normal cells. Alternatives are phytoproducts that help without side effects - even if it is only remission, but at least the body cleared and course of the disease is suspended.
In the treatment of psoriasis you should always take steps to normalize digestion, should take enzyme preparations; to restore the joints, whatever the nature of arthritis, you must take chondroprotectors - Shark cartilage, Joint Protex Forte.
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Added: March, 2015
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