But then the ways of official medicine and parasitic theory diverge, which leads to different conclusions regarding the etiology and treatment of atherosclerosis.
So, about parasites. There are many kinds of them, but chief robber and "god-father" among them is a single-celled flagellate Trichomonas. Firstly, because the degree of infestation by Trichomonas, according to WHO, close to 100%. Secondly, because it is difficult exterminable and elusive elusive for immunity, as is able to disguise themselves and even go into the "dead defense", impenetrable to modern drugs.
Third, trichomonas - this is " infantry fighting vehicle" for many species of parasites, as carries within itself and on its surface a variety of pathogens, which serve for it both food and cover against immune defenders. It is also "ticking time bomb", since at its death, all living creatures inhabiting it comes to freedom, which could lead to a surge of very different kinds of infection.
When an excess of free radicals, cellular immunity suffers most seriously. A cell is alive and functioning namely thanks free-radical (i.e., redox) processes, but only up until the number of free radicals is supported OK - about 5% of the total number of molecules. If it is less - metabolic processes will be attenuated, if more - the system will go into the dressing.
An excess of free radicals, as already mentioned, leads to adhesion of erythrocytes and overlap of blood flow in the vessel by these lumps. This leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the area being served by the blood vessels and increased the amount of toxins in the blood; local immunity distracted by their neutralization and, as a consequence, there are conditions for the formation of colonies of trichomonads.
Feeling the weakening of control by the immune system, the ubiquitous trichomonads penetrate into epithelial lining of the vessel walls. They eat skin cells, replacing them with their own bodies.While the immune system "sleeps", trichomonads are in active amoeboid form. They actively disrupt the epithelium, eat the red blood cells, destroy lymphocytes and leukocytes, and reproduce all the time.
Growing settlement of trichomonads begins slowly to surround themselves with waste of their livelihoods. One such waste is the "bad" cholesterol, which is deposited by layers at the location of the colony. This leads to narrowing of the lumen of the vessel, which already has been clogged due to the impact of excess free radicals, and therefore, the process of vascular sclerosis is developing.
When the immune system begins to receive alarms from the vessels and the surrounding tissues and "recalls", It is already quite difficult to knock over a colony of trichomonads from their homes, because it goes to the "dead defence". Disturbed by T-phages, trichomonads start to allocate sticky substances that envelop the colony and then solidify, forming horny cocoon around it, which is the cholesterol plaques.
The walls of the vessels are retained, but are becoming fragile, as are composed in some places from keratinized trichomonads. Vessel lumen narrows, and they no longer provide normal metabolism. As a result, a person feels weakness, shortness of breath; vital activity and immunity reduce, which allows activation also other parasites including helminths and fungi.
I can not say that I am 100% agree with parasitic theory, but there are a number of points indicating that here was not without parasites. For example, the following.
1. One of the waste products of Trichomonas is indeed low-density lipoproteins ("bad" cholesterol). So, directly or indirectly, Trichomonas gives its contribution to the development of atherosclerosis.
2. Peak production of free radicals in the intestines occurs at pH = 4.8 (acidic environment). But this pH value is at the same time optimal for breeding parasites, including Trichomonas.
3. Besides Trichomonas, there are other parasites that gnaw through the walls of blood vessels. For example, Ancylostoma and Trichinella. In a number of cases of coronary heart disease, ankylostomiasis or trichinosis are diagnosed. But reaction of vessel walls on the introduction of parasites is unequivocal - that is the development of connective tissue and the formation of a cocoon, or, if you like, the capsule. As a result of such encapsulation, vessel wall becomes rough, and in the presence of excess free radicals in blood, the conditions are created for vascular sclerosis.
4. In recent years it was found that in atherosclerosis, there is increased number of so-called C-reactive protein and several cytokines in the body, which are markers of inflammation. This means that atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease. But all inflammatory disease is a reaction of organism to infection or, at worst - an autoimmune reaction. As they say, there is small choice in rotten apples, because both the one and the other is only possible when a malfunction in the immune system.