Thus, knowledge of your blood group is the secret to a healthy life, full of energy, able to withstand various stresses, to withstand without prejudice intense physical and psycho-emotional overload, the secret of longevity and the key to the mysteries of disease.
Blood group reflects the individual biochemical structure, susceptibility to infections, performance, mood, and it affects human diet. You probably pay attention to the fact that different people inherent different taste habits: every person has their favorite and intolerable products, beverages, herbs and medicines.
It is unable to stay healthy, do not attach to it your own labor. It is known that the maximum positive effect of therapeutic or preventive measures is achieved with an individual approach. There no two same people on Earth. Everyone in life has gained only a strictly personal baggage problems and diseases.
Applying the health-restoring practice, the more treatment, we must strive to maximize individual program of recreational facilities, which necessarily includes lifestyle changes also correction of feeding. It's not exhausting diet but selection of appropriate, "individual-needed" food, i.e. food, according to the constitution, blood group, type of work and lifestyle, age, presence of chronic diseases, behavioral type.
French scientist Jean-Louis Degandezi claims that blood group of every person on Earth is the foundation of his character (psychotype) and health. Genetic features of the human body, including blood group, are closely associated with the type of behavioral reactions, features of disease. Violations of genetically caused equilibrium, including the distortion of feeding create conditions for the emergence of diseases.
Blood group 0(I) is the most common on Earth: 45% of the population has this blood group. The share of group A(II) accounts for approximately 35% of the world's population, but the closer people live to the East, the less chance that he will get exactly this group. Found that, in Britain, 43% of people have blood group A(II), in Russia - 30%, while in India only 15%.
Blood group B(III) is very small in number, there is only 13% of the population. Most people with this blood group live in the eastern part of the world; in the West, this blood group is rare. The fourth group of blood (AB) has only 7% of the lucky ones.
The fact that eating according to your blood group, many people improved their health, lose weight, it is no secret. Today there are credible evidences that the genetic properties of human, defining of his blood group are directly dependent on the nature of his feeding.
Peter D'Adamo and Catherine Whitney created the theory of blood group feeding. They proved that, for example, if the for blood group 0(I) meat products are quite acceptable food, then the blood group A(II) treats them with hostility, and antibodies of blood groups A(II), which are part of the protective system, begin to "bind" these food proteins (lectins), thereby filling up the bloodstream with lumps of fused proteins.
As a result, blood is difficult to pass through the vessels, to supply all the organs of oxygen, and this is the way to disease. In other words, if your digestive system is historically (genetically) configured to process carbohydrates, and its acidity is reduced, as a person with group A(II), the meat will be digested long, it will not be recycled in the energy to the end, and will be stored in the form of fat where you never dreamed of.
So people of blood group A, even if they adhere to the diet for blood group, but continue to consume the recommended by D'Adamo fresh red meat and poultry, they will improve their health, but weight loss can never get rid of. Out of this impasse found another American scientist Christopher J.Hammond, who developed the principle of separate feeding in view of the blood.
However, in our daily life is not always possible to adhere to guidelines on right nutrition, including a separate feeding and blood group diet. Can we take action to neutralize any way negatively impact the food alien to our blood group? Yes, it can be done if we supplement our diet with a certain complex of protective substances.
Living and working conditions in modern industrial society require an additional amount of micronutrients - vitamins, minerals, antioxidants - to protect the body against aggressive environmental factors and to maintain metabolism at a satisfactory level.
Everyone understands that supplements are particularly useful in cases of correction of deficiency states, preexisting diseases, as a support course of drug therapy. But in order to ensure effective prevention such conditions as aging, prevention of cancer, adapting to the increasing pressures of modern life, which is for long-term, life-long reception, we need such supplements, which are responsible individually to each organism.
It is noticed that, taking supplements, people perceive and feel these natural complexes in different ways. Some people are quickly restored power, have a positive effect, improving mood. But sometimes there are people who improving of the status and effect develops slowly.
This is not surprising. One and the same complex can not be of equally suitable for everybody. Because dietary supplements are essentially food, and bear in their composition herbs, grasses, mushrooms and other organic components, and genetic factors of the blood groups treat them differently.
It will be preferred individual selection of micronutrients and phyto-compositions given blood group. That's why a truly revolutionary development was the emergence in the market of vitamin-mineral complexes Vital. Based on the results of years of research, scientists have developed the most modern in Europe dietary supplements to promote and restore health of people according blood groups.
These complex supplements contain not only essential for human vitamins, minerals, medicinal plants, but also take into account the type of neural activity, metabolism, and predisposition to disease in individuals with certain blood type.
"Vitals" allow us to strengthen the protective mechanisms of the body against the harmful effects of environmental pollution and stress, strengthen the weak links in health associated with this blood group.