Turmeric is a wonderful natural antibiotic. This quality makes it a truly invaluable. It would seem, pharmacies are full of antibiotics, but, unlike synthetic drugs, spice-medication does not affect the status of the gastrointestinal tract and does not destroy the liver. In contrast, turmeric increases activity of the intestinal flora and improves digestion. Therefore, if you become ill, do not rush to the drugstore, try turmeric.
It is scientifically proven that turmeric is effective in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar, and fighting cancer. It is also known as a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic means. Turmeric can mitigate the negative effects of radiation therapy, to improve the condition of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, and even help in treating Alzheimer's disease.
This spice is an indispensable support for those who are weakened after a chronic disease or are ill. Tumeric warms and perfectly cleanses the blood and promotes the formation of new blood cells. It is a good way to improve digestion, especially when consuming a heavy meal. Turmeric also reduces the craving for sweet and fatty.
Purree curcumin promotes emptying of the gall bladder. Its essential oil increases the formation of bile in the liver, slows the growth of bacteria. Turmeric should be used for those diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that caused by a reduced biliary excretion. It has chologenic and choleretic effect - increases the synthesis of bile acids by more than 100%, reduces production and acidity of gastric juice and reduces cholesterol. Despite this, conventional medicine uses turmeric extremely small.
In the study, turmeric showed pronounced hepatoprotective effect. It was found that turmeric like silymarin protects liver against various toxic substances, including carbon tetrachloride.
Curcumin has potent anti-inflammatory action. Orally accepted curcumin exhibits the same efficiency as cortisone or phenylbutazone in acute inflammation, and half less, than the drugs, in chronic inflammation, but without the side effects.
Conducted in the U.S. studies have shown that turmeric reduces swelling and arthritis. Curcumin exerts also antiulcer effect, suppressing helicobacter pylori. Turmeric is also used as anti-inflammatory agent for problem skin.
Curcumin, which creates a smell and taste of turmeric and its derivatives inhibit growth of tumors. Thus, people who consume large amounts of food, seasoned with curry powder, are less susceptible to cancer. In clinical trials in 15 patients with advanced colorectal cancer has been established high therapeutic activity of turmeric extract, equivalent to 180 mg of curcumin, taking orally.
Curcumin reduces the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and normalizes blood composition. Turmeric not only cleans and improves blood circulation, but also stimulates the formation of red blood cells and reduces platelet aggregation.
Turmeric regulates the metabolism, correcting insufficiency as well as redundancy of metabolic processes, and promotes the assimilation of protein. Therefore, the turmeric extract is part of the current medications for the correction of shape.
Dr. Milan Fiala of the University of California, Los Angeles, separated the most active component of turmeric extract, which was called curcuminoid-3, and proved that it is able to reverse the course of progressive disease of the brain (Alzheimer's), which gradually destroys memory and makes the verdict to the human individuality. Turmeric can also mitigate the negative effects of radiation therapy and improve the condition of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis.
In India, turmeric for many years considered a means of preserving youth and beauty. The population of India does not need convincing of the usefulness of this spice - virtually no meal is complete here without it. Those who are not accustomed to use turmeric in the kitchen, it may be advisable to take it in pure form as a drug.
In diabetes, it is effectively to eat up a third of a teaspoon of powder before every meal, washed down with plenty of water. And for the normalization of the individual balance and cleanse the body, is useful to drink at night a glass of milk with honey and a pinch of turmeric.
Turmeric is a part of Digestive Enzymes, Slim Formula, Joint ProteX. It is not contraindicated in any blood group.
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This article is copyrighted by Alexander Yezovit. It cannot be reprinted without permission from Alexander Yezovit.
Added: February, 2011
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