Ginger is a substance of vegetable origin, having a stimulating effect on metabolism. It can be used for digestive problems, cramps, vomiting, nausea and motion sickness. Ginger is successfully used in inflammation and intestinal atony. It reduces cramps and nausea during menstruation, works well for colds, flu, coughs, and asthma. Well lets platelet adhesion than reduces the risk of heart attack. Ginger can be used also in inflammatory processes to reduce the temperature, as well as for the prevention and treatment of migraine.
Ginger root is capable of performing miracles, and literally can be used almost in all diseases. For example, ginger can eliminate fatigue, lethargy and apathy that is so important in our time. It helps also for pains in the joints, helping to recuperate after illness and operations. At home, ginger can be used for pain in muscles, arthritis, swelling and sprains.
In one of the provinces of South Korea - Kangvon-Do, - WHO experts have registered record-low levels of arthritic diseases. Adult population of the village Cheng Hong (6,000 people) is actively working every day treating the land, growing rice. But unlike the residents of neighboring villages, the people in Cheng Hong practically do not suffer from diseases of the joints.
Intrigued by this phenomenon, researchers have conducted screening studies involving assessment of the environment, lifestyle, physical and mental health, immunity, the nature of nutrition. It turned out, the only difference - the regular consumption of ginger the Cheng Hong residents. They add ginger root to dishes, to diversify the insipid rice. Each villager eats an average of 2 to 8 grams of ginger root a day. Scientists link the low level of disease arthritis with the ingestion of large quantities of this plant.
Recently, the American physicians conducted clinical studies first drug for treating arthritis on the basis of ginger and have shown promising results. Arthritis is one of the most prevalent diseases on earth. According to the magazine "Newsweek", this illness worries 21 million Americans. Approximately 40% of elderly people suffer from osteoarthritis, 25% of them are not able to perform even the most ordinary household chores.
New biocomplex helps in the treatment of arthritis and, on the conclusion of experts, has no side-effects inherent to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents and is as effective as them.
Ginger effectively relieves nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, even in such difficult cases as hyperemesis of pregnant. Herewith, it did not have a negative impact on the fetus. For example, the nausea will help tea with one or two pieces (2.5-5 cm or 60-90 g.) of fresh ginger root in 250 g of water. Ginger is rich in active substances and you need only small amounts to get a positive effect.
The heightened interest in ginger root recently also caused by its use as a natural means to promote weight loss. This is due to the fact that ginger improves blood flow, which helps burn fat. Ginger root also creates termogenetic effect, i.e., increases the production of heat and speeds up cell metabolism. This property, in particular, is used in modern termogenetic drugs for weight loss, such as Slim Formula.
Common ginger (the official name of this spice) is not only representative of the ginger family, which has 47 genera and 1000 species. Many of these species also have outstanding healing properties. Ginger is only garden plant, but its next of kin turmeric, or another "yellow ginger" is also found in the wild. Turmeric also has anti-arthritic action and is used in preparations for weight loss.
Ginger, turmeric and many other spices have, along with the culinary value, the high therapeutic effect, as they contain essential oils and a rich spectrum of flavonoids, which give many of them bright vivid colors and are also powerful antioxidants.
Thus, ginger kills cancer cells in ovarian cancer, and the substance that provides a sharp taste of hot peppers, can lead to a reduction in cancerous tumors of the pancreas. These results were recently presented at the conference of the American Association for Cancer Research.
Ginger root has a curative effect for people with any blood group. It is not recommended to pregnant women who have had a miscarriage.
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This article is copyrighted by Alexander Yezovit. It cannot be reprinted without permission from Alexander Yezovit.
Added: February, 2011
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