Hypertension or persistent high blood pressure, affects more than 65 million Americans. This is staggering number - it means that one out of every three Americans is the hypertensive. Plus, in 59 million Americans, prehypertension is noted or borderline stage of hypertension.
Normally, blood pressure should be no higher than 120/80 mm Hg. Blood pressure of 120/80 to 140/89 is considered a sign of prehypertension; a pressure of 140/90 or higher - a full-blown hypertension.
Here, of course, you can ask a question about the concept of the norm. If every other human has a pressure above the so-called "normal", it is perhaps the norms established about 100 years ago, should be detaiedl. Well, at least for a start, the concept of "prehypertension" must be eradicated, eh? Because there are reasons for this, in my opinion.
Blood pressure tends to vary, and it is quite normal. Depending on the weather conditions, your self-feeling and even the emotional state, the pressure may be increased in some time. What happens if this period coincides with the visit to the doctor?
Many people suffer from what is called "white coat syndrome". This is increase in blood pressure caused by the meeting with the medical staff. But the doctor, in turn, has its own syndrome, "Uh-uh, my friend, how are you brought yourself! Do you smoke? Drink? Well, you are already a beginner hypertensi-i-i-ve!" After such "diagnosis", be sure that you will demonstrate persistent hypertension at each meeting with the doctor.
I suffered from this for over 20 years while went in for mountaineering. 90% of doctors forbade me the trip to the mountains, and I regularly had to fake a medical certificate. Only two doctors (both, incidentally, climbers) getting my blood pressure of about 140, did not even show mind and said that everything is fine.
If you are diagnosed with hypertension, doctors will treat you Of course, by medicaments, as described in the medical prescriptions. Therefore, they will appoint you more or less expensive antihypertensive drugs and advise to lose weight, exercise and make your menu healthier. And this is rightly and wisely; and when scrupulous adherence to all the requirements, your blood pressure will definitely come back to normal.
But it turns out (and this is confirmed by research) that getting rid of excess weight, exercise, proper diet and some natural treatments are just as effective as prescription drugs. The question arises: is it possible, the doctors something not telling us?
The fact is that, indeed, they do not talk us a lot about how we can get rid of hypertension. This is partly due to the method of preparation of doctors, their lack of adequate knowledge on the use of natural remedies, but also due to the dependence of the medicine on the pharmaceutical industry.
The irony lies in the fact that pharmaceutical companies develop drugs that mimic the effects of natural agents against hypertension, but they have much more adverse effects, such as kidney damage.
Here are some secrets about hypertension that doctors do not share with you.
Secret #1: Hypertension is not a disease. In fact, it is a vital signal of the body that something is wrong inside your body, which causes an increase in blood pressure.
Secret #2: The only way "to cure" hypertension is to eliminate the root cause or causes of increasing pressure. The doctor prescribes you a medication to reduce the pressure just because he has no time to deal with possible reasons for its increase.
Secret #3: In many cases, your lifestyle factors cause or contribute to the development of hypertension. You do not need drugs to change your lifestyle.
Secret #4: Medicines prescribed by a doctor, treat only the symptoms, not the cause of the disease.
Secret #5: Scientists have already developed dietary recommendations to norma-lize pressure (DASH-diet, or "Stop Hypertension Plan"). We obtain reliable evidence that, if you strictly follow the DASH-diet, you can reduce the pressure to normal levels in just three weeks. And even if it takes you more time, the diet increases effectiveness of drugs that you take, and provides an opportunity to reduce the dose.
Secret #6: Synthetic antihypertensive means are inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), whose excess in the body increases the blood pressure. Usual Garlic contains a natural ACE inhibitor, therefore, instead of taking, for example, captopril, you can eat in a day three or four cloves of fresh garlic or taking Garlic capsules of good quality (tasteless and odorless).
Secret #7: Hawthorn is also a powerful natural ACE inhibitor. Hawthorn extract also has a mild diuretic effect, reducing blood volume. Synthetic diuretics are also prescribed in hypertension as a means to reduce the pressure, sometimes in combination with ACE inhibitors or other drugs. Drink infusion of hawthorn every day, and you can do without chemicals.
Secret #8: Make sure that your body does not dry up. To do this, you need to drink about two liters of water a day. Part of this amount can be replaced by fresh juices of the beet, carrot, celery or cranberries; they also reduce blood pressure. Shop juices are not applicable, because they contain too much sugar or salt.
Secret #9: Replace caffeinated drinks (coffee, black tea) green tea. Taking caffeine at high pressure - is like adding fuel to the fire. Green tea is low in caffeine and contains antioxidants useful for alleviating hypertension.
Secret #10: Get rid of stress. It is well known that stress can cause hypertension. Try to do some deep breathing exercises when you read a book or listen to relaxing music.Meditation and relaxation exercises are also effective way to relieve physical and mental stress and lower blood pressure.
These 10 tips can be your secret weapon against hypertension. By following them, lowering of blood pressure to normal levels is not only possible, but even not particularly difficult.