Do not break your TV!
Author: Alexander Yezovit
Sitting, watching TV, picking ear with a nail,
and suddenly the sound is gone...
(conversation with TV technician)
Immunity - a delicate matter
Global warming does not negate the fact that winter is sometimes still comes. And when winter comes, and even earlier, in the nasty slushy autumn, many people can not avoid the common cold, bronchitis or any other respiratory disease (ARIs).
We say that a cold due to the fact that immunity is reduced and this is true, but not quite. But the fact is that the immune system - a difficult thing. Because it consists of a number of subsystems that must work in harmony.
This id so-called general immunity (which is created by blood and lymph circulation throughout the body), also local (mucosa of bodies), cellular (that is, in fact, macro-phages, lymphocytes and other killers and helpers) and humoral (immunoglobulins).
So, you can get a good blood test results on leukocytes and hemoglobin, and right there on the spot catch pneumonia or some fashion kind of flu. And it will be in the order of things, because, apart from the general immunity (on the state of which the above tests show), there is also local, which is significantly reduced in the cold season in a civilized part of humanity.
The fact that the reduction in local immunity in the first place contributes to respiratory ailments. This is because the mucous membranes are the first line of defense against various infections. And whatever the high level of total immunity, the weakness of the external frontiers greatly reduces the body's defenses.
Mucous membranes found in the nasopharynx, bronchi, lungs, intestines, and many other organs. Their protective ability is ensured by the presence of antibodies - immunoglobulin A (IgA). These are specific antibodies, which are very few in the blood, but they are mostly concentrated in the mucous membranes. Production of these antibodies is reduced when the body lacks vitamin A. But vitamin A and its source beta carotene - this is primarily a fruit (red and yellow) and vegetables, which obviously are not enough in our diet, especially during the cold season.
This is the first. But there is also the second - in the winter, we spend most of the day in closed and heated rooms, and frequently overheated. Because of the high temperature, mucous membranes are overdry, and their protective ability is reduced. On the street, we tightly dressed, our skin is closed and almost no breathing. As a result, our first line of defense against infections is violated.
But there is a third factor that affects those who are on their own carelessness or gullibility lost his adenoids, tonsils or, at worst, an appendix. It is generally open door for any infections. And all three of these factors must be taken into account if we really want to be unaffected or runny nose nor sore throat or flu.
Antibiotics - not a panacea
It because even the usual runny nose or cold do not pass without a trace. Those who are ill ARIs more than 2 or 3 times a year, have all chances to get complications. This may be sinusitis, but untreated sinusitis often turns into genyantritis or frontitis. This is not only inflammation of mucus, but also of submucosa, periosteum, even the bone walls of the sinuses. This is a serious disease whose effects can be quite unpleasant.
And such cases are quite frequent. Why? Because the physician who puts you to diagnose ARIs, prescribes antibiotics based on the assumption that the infection may also have a bacterial components. However, respiratory infections are often caused by viruses also, and now even the kids know that antibiotics do not act on viruses.
Antibiotics, as you know, are no longer panacea even when bacterial infections. Times when each louse was afraid of penicillin have already been. Now, first of all, there are strains that are resistant to antibiotics, and, secondly, increasing the frequency of allergies has led to what doctors often can not assign neither one nor the other, nor the third.
There is also the third. You could eat handfuls of penicillin, but modern antibiotics - it needs to think twice. Because (and this is written in the manual), they may be:
- ototoxic - a person can become deaf;
- nephrotoxic - there is the risk of renal atrophy;
- can affect the heart.
Since antibiotics do not work on viruses, the ARIs treatment is effective only in half. Your own immunity has to cope the virus, but, as we have seen, the winter, it is much weaker.
Therefore, everyone should do their immune system, since most people need support immunity. And here it is time to remember the epigraph to this article.
Stimulate or not stimulate?
Since no one will run to the doctor, that doctor appointed him a means for lifting the immunity (a doctor also looks at such patient with surprise); it is decided to do this independently. Both for people's recipes, and guided the choice of modern pharmaceutical drugs and dietary supplements. I have nothing against folk remedies, but I would like to clarify about the pharmacopoeia and BAA. Because the doctors themselves can not always understand the terminology adopted here.
Look for yourself.
The immune system plays in the body a very important role, and not by accident immune problems attracting attention today both doctors, and biologists around the world. It is so closely linked with other systems of the body, which skillfully driving it, you can restore the endocrine and nervous systems, modulate the brain, causing agitation or retardation.
There are four classes of drugs that are used to control the operation of the immune system - immunomodulators, immunostimulants, immunocorrectors, and immunosuppressants. We are interested in the first two groups.
Immunostimulants - this name has long been at the hearing, and that they usually have in mind when looking at pharmacy that some sort of. Stimulate means stimulate, it is understandable to everyone.
Immunomodulators - a word only recently begun to penetrate into the minds of proponents of health, with a light hand of some companies and distributors of dietary supplements: they say, our supplements do not stimulate the immune system, since it's not all need and not always safe, but they modulate it, i.e., result in norm.
I have subscribed to the above each word, except for the word "modulate", as immunomodulators, by definition, does not NORMALIZE the immune system but MODIFY it in the chosen direction.
I'll tell you: Supplements can be used for the NORMALIZATION of the immune system, but SHOULD NOT BE USED as immunomodulators except under the super-vision of a physician-immunologist. Is that clear?
Now I will explain this in more detail.
About immunostimulants it is clear; they give impetus immunity, mainly by the fact that stimulates the production of immune cells. Now there is a question: you feel that sick, fever, nasal discharge came out - and you decided to adopt the immuno-stimulatory drug, for example, Echinacea. Whether you're right?
The answer is no! Your body is already involved in the fight, and immunostimulant to it - like a kick in the ass mad dog. You can stimulate production of immune cells, when there are the conditions for this - the necessary energy resources and sufficient raw materials. But when immunity is already running at full speed, then, sorry, your case is not pushing a stoker in the back, but underlay firewood into the firebox.
In this case, you can large miscalculate and get a response with strong immune reaction in the form of allergy or autoimmune disease, when, due to over-stimulation, your immune cells will attack the tissues of your own organs, mistaking them for enemies. Such cases are innumerable, and the cure is more difficult than even the endocrine disruption.
Therefore, if you believe that your immune system is weakened, and you need stimulate it, take immunostimulatory supplements prophylactically or for recovery from illness, not as a medicine. And better are not mono-drugs, but herbal or vitamin-mineral complexes, their choice is quite wide.
In contrast to immunostimulants, immunemodulators are drugs. They are used to restore the damaged immune system, naturally, after a diagnosis of disorders will be conducted by expert and treatment strategy will be developed. And so it was understood that immunomodulators cannot be used prophylactically!
Basically these are lysates - drugs of microbial origin, containing particles of DNA of pathogens and stimulating the development of appropriate antibodies. BAA are quite a bit among them.
So treat with understanding the distributor, who will offer you the immunomodulatory supplements to strengthen your immune system - a person must also have something to live, but it sounds nice and quite professional. Moreover, the drug can really help your immune system, so only the name of this support is very differently. But in this matter, not only distributors, but most doctors "float".
And give your immunity to work quietly. Unlike the TV, it will not be easy to adjust it after you scratch it with nail.
Immunohelpers - ugly, but exactly
But it can and should be to help the immune system, and dietary supplements play not the last violin in this matter. I've already talked about the role of beta-carotene for local immunity. It is an old and reliable tool, but doctors do not really prescribe it for infections. At present the place of beta-carotene has usurped by vitamin C, and its role of fighter against the infection was gradually forgotten.
In addition, beta-carotene, even natural, is not suited everyone because of problems with the liver: in liver diseases, it loses the ability to produce vitamin A from beta-carotene. Fortunately, there are alternatives to BAA, which perform the same role as support both general and local immunity.
I've been thinking, how to call them, and stood on the term "immunohelpers". It sounds ugly, but for sure: these complexes are assisted by the immune system, restoring the broken protective properties and replenishing expended stocks of strategic raw materials.
One from such immunohelpers is ImmunAid. It contains just two ingredients - Cat's Claw extract and zinc, but this is enough. Zinc is an obligatory component of all modern drugs to support the immune system, since it is absolutely essential for thymus, which is a "general staff" of the entire immune system.
We get not enough zinc with food, besides, it always spent to the production of insulin, because of too sweet food. At present, zinc deficiency is a crisis in public health from the perspective of immunity state. If the thymus does not work, there are few T-lymphocytes. And if we had some disease, then these T-cells have been used. Here you have the reason for complications.
Studies have shown that if the thymus squandered itself, then it falls content not only zinc but also other minerals. Vegetation complexes are the best medicine yet, and because plants are always rich in minerals.
And when you give your body what it desperately needs, it is not stimulation or modulation, bur namely assistance. So "immunohelpers" is a term sufficiently accurate and justified.
Cat's Claw kick
Bark of Peruvian liana Uncaria Tomentosa (Cat's Claw) is a powerful herbal remedy to support the immune status. Its active ingredients prolong the life of immune cells and restore their function.
A wide range of useful properties of Cat's Claw is due to the rich content in it of various natural compounds - polyphenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, styrene, and so on and so forth. I will focus only on those classes of substances that play a major role to support the immune system. There are two of them - alkaloids and bioflavonoids.
A strong support of immunity is provided by group of six oxyindole alkaloids that activate macrophages and T-lymphocytes, especially T-killers, and normalize production of immunoglobulins, including IgA. As you can see, it is cost even without beta-carotene, although, of course, a certain amount of it is also present.
In addition, these alkaloids have alkalify effect, improves blood rheology, exhibit an active antioxidant and adaptogenic effect.
Bioflavonoids, such as anthocyanidins - it's natural immune defenders of the plant; they restore the damaged cells and protect them. In humans, they perform the same role - restore the damaged cell structures and protect them from damage by free radicals. Their protective effect on the mucous membranes is in blocking production of histamine (an allergy mediator), which prevents swelling of mucous.
Bioflavonoids have also a direct effect on the infectious agents. However, like other components of Cat's Claw - polyphenols, ellagic acid, glycyrrhizin, catechin - which together provide powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties of the drug ImmunAid. This bioadditive has a strong antiviral effect, it is not only coping with herpes, ARIs and influenza, Epstein-Barr virus and HIV infections, but also helps the body resist the new and unfamiliar to it viruses.
Cat's Claw is now widely used in Europe and the USA. From 1988 to 1992, Dr. Brent Davis (California) studied the effect of Cat's Claw in the gastrointestinal tract and concluded that the drug is able to treat severe digestive disorders, which are almost impossible to drugs. Universality of the drug due to its ability to restore the mucous membranes, which are the first line of defense against the penetration of "outsiders".
ImmunAid used as immunohelper, helps normalize immune function in many difficult situations: the case of allergy, asthma, even in lupus (as adjuvant) and AIDS. It is able to contain and treat the underlying pathology, speeding up the healing process.
It is even able to eliminate hormonal disorders, as it contains phytosterols (remember the link between the immune and endocrine systems?), not to mention the impact on a wide range of parasites. While it does not dictate its will on the immune system, but substitutes its strong and friendly shoulder.
ImmunAid was appointed even to children from 2 years in appropriate dosage. Because the immune system in children is fully formed only 4-6 years, but until this age production of their own immunoglobulins is inadequate, and IgA levels remained low. Therefore, children are easy to viral and other respiratory infections.
I hope, this article (written, incidentally, by not medical specialist) will help someone in specific everyday situation. I had no video technician also, but I am accustomed to repair my TV myself. The only problem for me - it's alarm clock: to cope with this infection is much more difficult than, for example, the flu. I simply do not understand it.
Understanding - this is important. Because to understand the problem - it means to solve it. Banal formula, but works perfectly.
* * *
This article is copyrighted by Alexander Yezovit. It cannot be reprinted without permission from Alexander Yezovit.
Added: December, 2010
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