If you start to look online for information about to grow stout, 90% cases offers you or a series of tips on nutrition, or dietary supplements targeted program (at 500-1000 dollars). It reminds me a little episode when Svejk asked in the shop oil consecrated by a bishop (for extreme unction), and the owner told the clerk: "Pan Tauchen, pour him a hemp oil number three".
I am also more than 12 years engaged in supplements, but I have no ready recipe for all occasions, because life is complex by its nature. And the deficit of body weight may occur for several reasons, which involves an individual approach to each case.
First and the main reason - the imbalance between intake and expenditure of calories, between the formation and decay of cells - is not always original and unique. Somewhere there is the trigger that causes the body to act a certain way, and it is quite difficult to find it, because, as you now make sure, a variety of reasons for weight loss are often interrelated, and not always you can to unravel this tangle independently.
We can distinguish at least five reasons why your weight may be below normal:
1. The constitution (body type)
Body weight is often determined by the constitution of the human body. In this case, you're out of luck, and it would be difficult to achieve significant weight gain. But it is possible, just your results will be more modest, and you will have a more work on their achievement.
The first, constitution of your body is determined by genes. If your parents, in your age, were thin, you expect a long fight for every kilogram. It's genetics, and it is also difficult to argue with it as to gain weight. But maybe you should not worry too much if your French figure is the envy of most girlfriends?
Body type largely determines the ability to weight gain because your somatype determines also the characteristics of metabolism.
There are three basic types of shapes, depending on the circumstances: asthenic (ectomorphic) normosthenic (mesomorphic) and hypersthenic (endomorphic). Perfect types do not occur always; it happens frequently that in addition to the basic type, person has also other features. It is rather complicated to change the type of constitution, so it's best to improve your own shape to highlight your individual dignity.
Here is the approximate distribution of unmixed somatypes for girls 17-20 years old:
- Ectomorphic - 15%;
- Mesomorphic - 58%;
- Endomorphic - 3%.
You can determine your body type in many ways, the easiest way - by measuring the circumference of wrist working hands.
For women:
- Ectomorphic body type - wrist girth less than 16 cm;
- Mesomorphic type - wrist girth 16.5-18 cm;
- Endomorphic type - wrist girth over 18 cm.
For men:
- Ectomorphic body type - wrist girth less than 17 cm;
- Mesomorphic type - wrist girth 17.5-20 cm;
- Endomorphic type - wrist girth over 20 cm.
Asthenics look fragile and delicate; as a rule, they are tall and thin. They have increased metabolic rate, so they gaining weight difficult and they have dropped percentage of body fat. But their muscles are poorly developed, they can not boast of relief muscles. They are not so afraid of food excess, alcohol, especially at a young age, weight gain does not threaten them.
However, the high metabolic rate is not necessarily innate; increased exchange may be the result of intensive training, frequent stress or high emotion.
According to the results of Internet polling, Dr. Peter D'Adamo has identified some patterns of body type of people with different blood groups. It turned out that the extreme somatypes - ectomorphic and endomorphic - statistically more common in people with blood group A(II), especially in men.
2. Physical activity
One of reasons for the weight loss may be increased energy consumption of the body. Severe weight loss can be resulting in excessive physical exercise - such as training or training in the pool, as well as work associated with moving heavy objects. In this case, is needed a healthy, balanced diet. Also, of course, optimization of loads.
In a tranquil setting, to work of all our organs - heart, lungs, liver, stomach, nervous system, etc. - is spent about one kilocalorie per hour per kilogram of body weight. At the same time the man, weighing 70 kilograms, spends on the main exchange in the day about 1,700 kcal.
Additional energy consumption required in the performance of a physical or mental work. For example, when reading aloud the additional energy consumption will be 1.5 kilocalories per kilogram of body weight per hour, when printed on a typewriter - 2 kcal, at normal walking - 4.5 kcal, with the rapid run - 45 kcal.
In general, people who are not exposed to great physical loads, extra energy costs are of 1000 to 1300 kilocalories a day (totally, therefore, 2700-3000 kcal). Additional energy consumption of the physical labor is 1300-2800 kcal a day (3000-4500 kcal totals).
In addition to loss of fat and muscle tissue, increased physical activity also leads to increased water loss (dehydration). It is related to the acceleration of exchange, as well as with increased sweating - up to 90% on certain types of work. Heavy loss of water can help reduce body weight, but dehydration also cause a number of adverse changes in the body.
3. Stress
To each his own - teens poop themselves starvation, adults lose weight rapidly due to stress and nervous tension caused by conflict situations at work and at home, at family. Decreased appetite in adults because of nerves can also be associated with diseases - such as depression.
With prolonged stress, body's need for complete proteins increases, because the body uses amino acids to produce stress hormones. The need for protein increases by at least 20% - this is very lot, because in the absence of an adequate intake of protein with food, the body is forced to accelerate catabolism - the process of splitting muscle tissue. Here you have first thing - the loss of muscle mass. And here's the second: the stress hormones - adrenaline and cortisol - speed up the metabolism that leads in thin people to active fat burning.
Therefore, in sickness and prolonged stress, if not enough proteins in the blood (e.g., due to the low protein content in food), your body can lose a significant part of the muscle.
Unlike people with normal or overweight who prefer "to seize the stress", thin people under stress can literally forget about the food and not feel hungry. Stress also causes nervousness and restlessness, meaningless movements. Muscles in the neck, back, forehead tense, heartbeat accelerates, which also increases energy consumption. The intense muscle contraction also leads to the accumulation of metabolic waste products and pain in the head, neck, back, loin.
4. Poor appetite
Loss of appetite can be caused by a huge number of reasons. Both men and women often lose their appetite because of illness or stress. It is sometimes even that appetite disappears completely, and the person begins to lose weight to such an extent that is left of him is literally "skin and bones".
With chronic malnutrition, a deficiency of nutrients occurs, which affects negative on all organs and body as a whole. The immune system is weakened, and the bones become brittle.
Loss of appetite can be caused by many diseases such as heart failure, chronic lung disease, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, infectious, neurological and autoimmune diseases. Although patients are often lost appetite, however, the demand for energy increases, because the body needs to fight disease. Because of this, there is the danger of weight loss.
Poor appetite may be also because of zinc deficiency in the body (especially in men). This is because often a shortage of zinc causes violation of taste and smell, which leads to rejection of food and poor appetite. For this reason, children most often have a poor appetite, because they are particularly susceptible to zinc deficiency. If you take steps to meet the shortfall with zinc-rich foods and dietary supplements, it is possible for 1 or 3 months significantly improve the appetite.
In women, loss of appetite may be caused by iron deficiency, especially among adolescent girls, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Chelated iron supplements and inclusion in the diet of iron-rich foods often improve appetite.
In children, the cause of poor appetite may also be inflammation in the nose and nasopharynx, intestinal worms, malaria, diseases of kidney or ear, tuberculosis, irritability of the nervous system, frequent sore throats, etc. Often the cause of appetite loss is giardiasis.
Cause of poor appetite may be infiltration of bile in the stomach, sometimes it cause also nausea. Appetite appears only when the stomach is a sufficient amount of pepsin (enzymes) and hydrochloric acid, as the liver bile, penetrating into the stomach, neutralizes the acidic elements. Poor appetite may also be caused by diseases of the bulb of the duodenum.
Painful reduction or even loss of appetite is called anorexia syndrome. It also happens that the struggle for a beautiful figure causes irreparable harm. The causes of anorexia are in a nervous or mental health problems. This issue has become topical not so long ago, when fashion took a course on "models", skinny, tall girls, almost formless.
The situation with anorexia has now become so acute that it even has forced the world's leading fashion designers gradually shift from leather-covered skeletons to girls of normal stature.
Personally, I became acquainted with this phenomenon 30 years ago. Among my friends one girl to lose weight (although she was not needed this, in my opinion), got a diet from one yogurt with dill. The result was a pretty skeleton with hinges at the elbows and knees position and huge black eyes. But she, thank God, remained alive, whereas someone of those who are ill with anorexia nervosa, in the truest sense of the word die of thinness.
The high temperature in the room also can appeal loss of appetite. When increased temperature, evaporation also increases and the person drinks more to compensate for moisture loss. The increased amount of fluid reduces the acidity of gastric juice, and appetite decreases.
Appetite may decrease and sedentary lifestyle. Here everything is quite clear - the more a person spends energy, the appetite is better.
And finally, poor appetite may signal that the person does not live at peace with himself. In terms of compliance with psychological disorders and diseases (Louise Hay, "Heal Yourself"), possible reasons for the lack of appetite are described as:
1) Fear. Need for protection. Condemnation of emotions.
2) The denial of personal life. A strong feeling of fear, self-hatred and denial yourself.