Liver function in our body is very important and irreplaceable. After all, what we eat, the liver has to process. It breaks down all the substances that our body absorbs. But at the same time it eliminates the waste of metabolism, is trying to remove the body of poisons or other toxic and foreign substances that enter the body with food, alcohol and drugs.
Liver is our big chemical laboratory, which burns up all that we accept, and generates the energy necessary for our life. Correct and well functioning liver is the guarantor of our health and vitality.
Lifestyles of the majority of our citizens and our eating habits, which are the most common causes of "civilization diseases", led to a heavy load on the liver. When the liver is overloaded, an alarm is triggered, usually in the form of restless sleep and fatigue during the day.
Later, it is elevated levels of blood fats and progressive fatty liver (steatosis), which subsequently leads to its hardening (cirrhosis). Obesity, congestion and atrophy of the liver in the first place, have as their cause of excessive use of refined grain products (especially white flour), refined sugar, saturated fat and meat.
Yeast contained in many foods, produce mycotoxins, particularly dangerous for children and pregnant women. Getting inside the body, they cause an increasing number of allergies, particularly asthma. They provide the foundation for the development of many diseases, including bones and joints diseases, genitourinary, neurological diseases, pressure, hormonal problems, and, above all, tumors.
Your liver can protect you from these diseases, provided that it could successfully neutralize all the chemical compounds. It is able to recover if food toxins do not interfere with it to make this, and you give it all the necessary nutrients.
Greater danger is also posed by the chemical substances in foods, heavy metals, pesticides, viruses, bacteria, nitrates and nitrides, as well as residues of antibiotics. Every day, our liver must work with them fighting.
If we add to this a pint of beer, liver enzymes are switched to neutralize alcohol, detoxification of food toxins significantly slowed down, and this slowing facilitates the development of parasites and pathogens. The accumulation of toxins in the body creates an excessive burden on the liver, which is no longer able to perform its functions.
Fatty liver had previously been considered primarily a problem of alcoholics, but nowadays it has become increasingly common, especially among children. According to American doctors, 50% of overweight children are also noted non-alcoholic fatty liver. This is bad because it increases the risk of liver inflammation, which may develop to hepatitis and in some cases lead to liver failure. According to this study, 40 million Americans are obese liver.
Not better things in other countries. In 2007, the health of the liver was examined in 28 Russian cities, with more than 30 thousand people. Doctors have found overweight in 42% of the patients, every second - liver disease, one in four - fatty liver, and one in five - liver alcohol damage. Is it not too much?
There are also special moments when you need to take additional measures to protect and regenerate the liver. For some, this critical point is the prolonged holidays, accompanied by copious meal, for others - treatments potent chemicals.
Our physicians are accustomed to prescribe chemical medication which have a very strong effect and provide a quick result in the acute period. Moreover, almost all drugs are foreign to the body and have side effects that we must endure. It must be remembered that all drugs give a temporary positive effect, supporting some organ, but then, having played a role, remain in the body in the form of sharp fragments, and nowhere does not remove. First they hit the liver, clogging tiny blood vessels. The psychologists say today that the problem is not already in the introduction of drugs into the body, but how to remove them from it.
You can bring your liver to the point where the process of destruction is difficult to reverse, and while it did not ask for mercy. The fact that the liver, when destroyed, does not hurt. The truth about the state of your liver may be given by dark spots that appear on the skin (usually the back of the hand). They are sometimes called "liver spots". This is rightly, since they illustrate the deterioration of the liver. However, the liver, because of the critical nature of the functions it performs, is able to regenerate cells.
There are several natural remedies that help restore the liver and do not have at the same side effects. Here is what applies to them:
1. Amino acids. In fact, 80% of the essential amino acids are produced by the liver. Others can be ingested only from the outside. Ten amino acids are assimilated only with food. These include arginine, phenylalanine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.
The most important amino acid to restore the liver is methionine, which regulates the function of the liver, removes excess fat and accelerates the course of recovery. An important role is played also by L-cysteine, which helps to neutralize toxic substances and is a source to generate glutathione has a protective effect on cells of the liver and brain against damage caused by alcohol. L-carnitine causes regression of steatogepatosis and normalizes the histological structure of the liver.
Arginine and ornithine are also important for liver regeneration. Arginine promotes liver detoxification by neutralizing ammonia and is a source of protein needed to build new cells. Ornithine acts as hepatoprotector and prevents inflammation of the liver tissue. Arginine and ornithine are mutually transformed into each other in the so-called ornithine cycle, during which the toxic ammonia is neutralized.
Beneficial effects of amino acids in the liver are particularly high in combination with lecithin and minerals - selenium and chromium.
2. Lecithin. Lipotropic action of one of its ingredients - choline - manifested in the "burning" of fats deposited in the liver. Lecithin is needed for the recovery of cell membranes, which is especially important in the rehabilitation of the liver. Liver, when destroyed, does not deliver pain signals, so the patient can not even imagine to what extent the destruction his liver brought. When you receive a lecithin, unhealthy liver responds instantly: there is a "twitch", then light a nagging pain that passes quickly. These symptoms suggest that the liver is recovering.
3. Thistle. Properties of flavonoid silymarin, a member of the thistle seed, are currently intensively studied. Experimental and clinical studies have shown that silymarin helps to restore damaged membranes of the liver cells and prevents damage by various toxins, promotes the birth of new cells of the liver that is, restore its cellular structure. Not by chance prophylactic intake of silymarin one time per day is recommended workers of harmful chemical plants.
Thistle preparations have a strong chologenic and choleretic action, have very good tolerability and have not absolutely of contraindications to their use. Thistle flavonoids have the most striking therapeutic effect in alcoholic liver disease.
4. Alpha-lipoic acid. Alpha-lipoic acid is a versatile, friendly to liver antioxidant (its metabolism focused in the liver). It restores the reserves of glutathione, increases the resistance of hepatocytes than enhances liver antitoxic function. Alpha-lipoic acid reduces fat storage in the liver and reduces twice the risk of liver obesity with high fat content in food.
5. Resveratrol. In a study published in the American Journal of saline, it was shown that resveratrol may prevent the development of fatty liver disease associated with chronic alcohol consumption. This antioxidant activates enzymes that play a role in cellular metabolism and the breakdown of fats in the liver - protein kinase and sirtuins. These enzymes inhibit the action of alcohol, which causes an increase and obesity of the liver.
This probably explains the surprising fact is reported by researchers from the University of San Diego (California). They found that a glass of wine a day can halve the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver. But red wine is one of the first products in which resveratrol were detected.
6. Green tea. New experimental data show that green tea extract can prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver, thus preventing its fatty degeneration. Its mechanism of action is associated with a decrease in fat absorption in the intestine and changes in fat metabolism in the liver.
If you feel your liver unhealthy, and are anxious to bring it back to normal, there is a good way. First, take month course of lecithin to dissolve and withdraw fatty deposits. Then use a complex drug Liver Aid for detoxification and recovery of liver cells. It is also recommended ZenThonic, which helps to harmonize the functions of renewal cells.
Better, of course, do not bring the matter to liver problems. This is only one way - come to grips with your lifestyle. Your liver will take over "Hurrah" healthy food and getting rid of bad habits. And not only the liver.
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This article is copyrighted by Alexander Yezovit. It cannot be reprinted without permission from Alexander Yezovit.
Added: October, 2010
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