All people lose hair, but some people, this process is slow, and even in old age they have something to show off, while others almost 25 years of age comes the rapid hair loss. Why? Scientists believe that hair loss is caused by the following main reasons.
Male hormones
One man out of three suffers from abnormal hair loss, and it is initiated by testosterone - the male sex hormone. The fact that every third man has increased sensitivity of hair to one of species of testosterone - dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Increased sensitivity to DHT causes thinning and hair loss.
True, scientists soothe balding men alleged that the loss of hair they have rewarded with increased sexuality. In 1942, Dr. James Hamilton discovered and proved the relationship between hair loss and generation of male sex hormones, including testosterone. Increased testosterone levels lead to increased growth of hair on the chest, back and face, but the head hair decreases. If testosterone levels are reduced, then terminated also the loss of hair on his head. However, at the same time the libido reduced.
Dr. Hamilton put it, quite categorically: stop hair loss is only possible through castration. While here he was not the first, as more than two thousand years before him, Aristotle wrote: "Only the eunuchs did not lose their hair."
Shock and stress
Constant stress can also start the process of hair loss. Even a strong emotional experience, carried the shock can occur after several months as hair loss. The reason is the increase in testosterone levels and norepinephrine levels that are produced by the adrenal glands as a reaction to stress.
Prolonged stress, as well as a brief but strong, start the burning of B vitamins, in particular, PABA - "vitamin of beauty". Therefore, for treatment in this case, we recommend taking vitamins and mineral substances, as well as psychotherapy (psychoanalysis).
Thyroid gland
Cause of excessive hair loss may be hyperactive thyroid gland or, conversely, its dysfunction. It always has been a violation of the endocrine system as a whole. For cure in this case it is necessary to restore the hormonal imbalance.
Hair loss as a symptom of the disease
The poor condition of the hair may not only be evidence of the natural aging or individual genetic characteristics, but also a symptom of the disease. Here are just a short list of diseases that can lead to the weakening and loss of hair:
- diabetes mellitus;
- thymus disease;
- osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
- anemia;
- imbalance of sex hormones in women;
- exhaustion of the nervous system;
- vegetative dystonia;
- some tumor diseases;
- radiation sickness.
And besides: chronic stress and inadequate (incorrect, irrational) food, thallium poisoning, radionuclides, heavy metals. All this can also affect the condition of hair. Also, however, as irradiation, chemotherapy, hormone treatment, and pregnancy.
Besides the fact that smoking contributes to the development of some diseases and health problems, it also threatens male premature baldness. The link between smoking and hair loss has been founded by scientists that examined 740 people of Taiwan at the age of 65 years.
Researchers analyzed data on age at first hair loss, risk factors that could affect hair loss, as well as the presence of smoking habits. The study showed that male smokers alopecia occurred much earlier and was faster than nonsmokers.
Baldness genes
Recently one more baldness gene was founded, which is passed only through the male line. As you may recall, earlier spoke of another gene, which is transmitted through the maternal line. Scientists believe that genetic causes are responsible for more than 80% cases of baldness.
Newly discovered gene is located in the 20th chromosome, and increases the likelihood of baldness in men seven times. If a man has two genes - in the X chromosome and in the 20th chromosome, the probability of baldness increases 14 times.
So far, the scientists recommend men against baldness only preventive measures. Although they believe that genetic research will help create a future effective remedy against hair loss.