These are the words of the great healer Hippocrates. And that's what they mean: when the right and nutritious food, you will never need any other medicines.
There is other well-known expression "You are what you eat." Unfortunately, it is so faithfully reflects the state of health of many our contemporaries that want to cry. The food, of course, does not solve all the problems of the modern world, but 90% of health problems - that's for sure. Including a very important - problems of fertility and birth.
To feel like a woman one hundred percent (or man), you must make sure that your diet contains all the nutrients necessary for the body. Without that, it is impossible to attain full sexual performance and get healthy progeny (if you wish to get them)..
In the diet of any woman (especially the future mother), It should not be a shortage of such components:
- B-group vitamins, which are supporting the normal conduction of nerve fibers, thereby affecting the regularity of the menstrual cycle and hormonal activity;
- folic acid (folate), which reduces the risk of birth defects in the fetus and is needed for normal blood cell production and the processes of cell division;
- iron, which is involved in the transport of oxygen to the cells and is necessary for the production of red blood cells;
- vitamins A and C, which are necessary for the normal metabolism of iron;
- vitamin E, which is known not as a vitamin of youth only, but also as a vitamin of fertility;
- iodine, which ensures proper functioning of the thyroid gland, affecting the women's cycles and fertility;
- vitamin D, which is especially necessary for those who lives in the middle and high latitudes where solar radiation is not sufficient for normal production of vitamin D in your skin.
As well as -
- essential unsaturated fatty acids omega-3.
In turn, in the diet of every man, it should not be a shortage of:
- zinc, which is necessary for normal potency and ability to conceive, as it ensures a normal level of testosterone in the blood and is involved in DNA synthesis;
- selenium, required for normal spermatogenesis, that is, the production of sperm;
- vitamin D, which is involved in the processes of cell division;
- essential unsaturated fatty acids omega-3;
- arginine;
- vitamins B6, B12, involved in the production of red blood cells;
- folic acid needed for blood production and the processes of cell division;
- vitamin E, known as vitamin of fertility.
Most of these ingredients can be found in the dietary supplement New Life, which is perfectly suitable for both women and men! I also tell you at the end of the article about the additional sources of some very important nutrients.
It is also important to maintain a healthy weight, as both a lack and excess weight reduces the fertility and quality of sperm. Take care to your daily diet has always contained 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. If possible, try to eat vegetables and fruits grown organically, because pesticides used to protect plants from pests, may affect sperm production and disrupt hormonal balance.
Avoid fast food, red meat, sugary drinks, sweets and pastries, which are often made with harmful trans-fats. Instead of white bread, use the black or whole grain breads.
Do not forget to eat regularly and to diversify your menus. Choose foods with minimal processing, with a low glycemic index, and say a resounding "no" to artificial preservatives and dyes. Try to abandon the fried and breaded products in favor of stewed, boiled (for example, steamed) or baked dishes.
Do not abuse also stimulants, as, for example, alcohol can inhibit the absorption of B vitamins, zinc and iron; and in men - even harder to reduce testosterone levels and sperm motility. Excess caffeine in turn can disrupt the hormonal balance, and smoking - adversely affect libido and sperm production.