The same thing can happen if you use for a long time hormones, antacids (eg, Almagelum), anti-inflammatory agents and other drugs that actively removes calcium. There is a natural replacement of this entire arsenal, which allows long-term use, and whose "side effect" is an additional health improvement of the body as a whole. For example:
Instead of hormonal drugs - phytoestrogens: royal jelly, alfalfa preparations, natural menopausal. An additional effect - saturation of the body with natural complex of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
Instead antacid - a preparation of alfalfa. An additional effect - the saturation of the body with natural complex of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, including getting antiulcer vitamin U.
Instead steroids for arthritis - natural chondroprotectors, which not only reduces pain, but also contribute to a partial recovery of cartilage tissue.
So, if you find yourself in the above lists, you need surely to think about how to live on. If that is not found, for now, then, as they say, it is better not to touch the situation. I'm trying too, if any process is going well, do not try to improve it, as most often in this case you remain a fool. However, be honest in your assessment - after all, it is your health, not someone else's.
How to keep calcium?
So how do we live on?
Well, of course: we will try to eliminate from our environment (if possible) all the factors contributing to the accelerated withdrawal of calcium. I say "from the environment," because stresses, for example, do not listed in the menu, and you can not get rid of them by a simple adjustment of diet. Plus, in addition, physical activity: unfortunately, bones like the load - if you do not load them, bone mass will decrease rapidly.
Next, we take care about additional calcium sources. To not create you unnecessary headache, I recommend to choose a good natural calcium preparation: in digestible form and always with magnesium. You already know my opinion - it's hard to make a better choice than Strong Bones. But I allow myself even a small digression.
Every year I visit twice a familiar doctor to get ultrasound survey. Once she told in the conversation about her nephew, who crashed heavily in the car. She lamented that, although fractures fused well, but after a course of some popular calcium preparation, it was found many stones in the kidneys.
- Helen, - I said - I regularly take our calcium. Have you seen for all this time any stones in my kidneys on your device?
Speaking of popular drugs - although calcium gluconate has long been debunked, pharmacies sell it, and doctors prescribe. It is known from the published data that the absorption of calcium from gluconate is at the level of 9%. The package, as I remember, contains 20 half-gram tablets that should be on 10 receptions. The price is small. Now multiply this price by 10 and estimate whether or not to throw away that kind of money for 10 grams of calcium, which will be absorbed, but 90 grams will be partly in the toilet, partly in your kidneys?
Okay, so you do not have the impression that I wrote this article solely for the purpose of advertising, let's dwell on such subject. Incidentally, it is very important and controversial.
Namely, let's all agree that taking calcium supplements may slow the decline in bone mass. Let's assume it may even stop it. And is it possible to reverse this process? Here there is open space for speculations.
Why entropy wins?
At the very beginning of the article I wrote, it's very, very difficult. Why?
Mainly, because the ship has already sailed. If being 50 years old, you suddenly found out that your bones shine through, in most cases, time has already lost. Why?
To make this clear, the issue should be considered at the level of physics rather than at the level of medicine. However, this also applies to many other similar questions. What physics tells about the "thinning" of bones?
In nature there are no irreversible processes. In nature there are always two oppositely directed processes: ordering and disordering. Life is possible at the junction of these two processes, but the ordering process is accompanied by the accumulation of energy, and the reverse process - its dispersion. Since it is always easier to disperse than collect, the general tendency of any system is the desire to decay, which is expressed in the law of increasing entropy (ie, negative energy).
Bones are living under the same law. Bone substance is produced by cells - osteoblasts. Osteoblasts synthesize collagen, which then is exposed to calcification - calcium layering. Thereafter bone cells take their place in the bone. These processes are endogenous, that are going to energy consumption (ordering!).
Conversely, the resorption of bone cells (osteoclasts are doing it) is an exogenous process, that is, it goes with a positive energy balance. So, if the energy of the system will not be replenished, the decay process will prevail. Perpetuum mobile does not turn out here.
Well, let's provide energy! OK, but the nature took care of itself to streamline process was dominated. This process is controlled by hormones - estrogens (in women). In men, perhaps it is testosterone, I do not know exactly. While hormones are in order, the process is active. But, as you know, with age, estrogen production decreases and in menopause, it almost fades. Bone mass decreases, and people become less in growth ("widow's hump").
Moreover, there are those who constantly interfere with estrogens! Their enemies are corticosteroid hormones (cortisols). The main source of unplanned cortisol - that's a stress. (And, as I said, some medications). Incidentally, menopause also creates strong stress.
Conclusion is as follows: The effect of estrogens, weakened itself, is paralyzed, in addition, by cortisol. So it looks for most people. And there are people who are genetically elevated levels of cortisol - those who have 2nd and 3rd blood group (A and B). The conclusion is clear: regardless how much calcium is absorbed, the bone mass will not increase, if osteoblasts can not process it!
Of course, if you will taking digestible calcium in sufficient quantity, minimize its loss from the body, prefer to exercise and protect yourself as much as possible from stress factors, you will significantly improve the state of your skeletal system. But it will be very difficult to put the crosses, where already there are zeros! Nature will always be one step ahead.
Therefore, if tomorrow someone will offer you wonderful calcium, which will transform your shabby shell into armor for one month, take it with a healthy sense of humor and understanding that man, too, must live somehow.