"Polynesian highlight" against the "Triumvirate of killers"
Author: Alexander Yezovit
More about Polinesian Noni
This is the third article, which I dedicate to the beneficial properties of the Polynesian Noni fruits. And, without a doubt, not the last, as it is impressive - not only the list of diseases for which Noni juice has a therapeutic effect, but also a high percentage of positive results. The generalization of these results is given in the article "The Health Guardian".
It's hard to immediately cover all aspects of the possible use of Noni juice because of the multifaceted impact of the drink on the human body; especially since not all these aspects are adequately explored.
In addition, as is usually the case with natural therapeutic agents, many research results are disputed by orthodox medicine, while the official clinical trials to "non-traditional" medicines are not provided.
This situation, of course, raises a number of incidents, such as the situation with vitamin C, for which daily norm of consumption 65 mg, officially installed more than half a century ago, is still not corrected. At the same time no one is surprised by the fact that at any pharmacy you will find, without a prescription, ascorbic tablets per 1000 mg, not to mention the fact that such genius of XX-th century, as Linus Pauling, devoted his life to prove that megadoses of vitamins help to win almost any ailment.
But whatever disputes may occur around natural alternative to unsafe pharmaco-poeia, the development of research goes on, and we learn about more and more new discoveries related to these "superfoods" like Noni juice and Mangosteen juice, Acai berry and many others, even not so exotic, gifts of Nature.
In this article, I want to talk about the properties of Noni juice, which can be useful in the treatment of cardiovascular disease and diabetes (not to mention the prevention of these diseases). The pair took respectively the first and third place in the "triumvirate of killers" - the list of the three main causes of death in our time, which is as follows: cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.
Although there are quite a lot of data, which give reason to believe that Noni juice can have a positive effect also in the treatment of cancer, in my opinion, is too early to say yet about predictable outcome (except prevention). However, for cardio-vascular disease and diabetes, quite encouraging results are already received that fully justifies the use of Noni juice in these diseases.
Noni and blood pressure
As more and more independent studies confirm the antihypertensive and diuretic effects of Noni juice, many scientists believe that its use is promising in the treatment of hypertension, one of the most common diseases.
In the initial stage of disease, hypertension may not produce organic changes; over time, however, vascular damage occurs, and as a consequence, also damage of vital organs. The mechanism of action of Noni juice to reduce blood pressure is caused by properties of specific substances, which are contained in the Noni fruits.
First of all, we are talking about scopoletin, which stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which improves elasticity of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots. Xeronine, which is formed from proxeronine contained in Noni, promotes regeneration of cells lining blood vessels.
The optimal vessel lumen - the main condition for normalization of blood pressure - is supporting by Noni fiber, antioxidants, neutralizing free radicals and fatty acids of Omega-3 group. These latter help prevent the occurrence of plaques on the inside surface of the vessels due to the fact that they reducing the concentration of fat particles and cholesterol in the blood.
Nitric oxide (NO) was named "molecule of life". So doctors appreciate its outstanding role in the human body as a defender and "healer" of each of its cells. Nitric oxide is involved in various physiological functions, but the most important one is the expansion of blood vessels and prevent blood clots.
By relaxing the arteries and providing better blood flow, nitric oxide helps in diseases such as coronary heart disease, angina, hypertension as well as intermittent claudication (poor blood supply to the legs), and cerebrovascular accident.
In people who keep a sedentary lifestyle, or suffer from chronic diseases, nitrous oxide is not produced in sufficient quantities. To restore the disturbed blood circulation in case of angina or congestive heart failure, injections of L-arginine are used as nitrogen oxide is formed during the transformation of L-arginine to L-citrulline. However, when producing NO from arginine, there is number of problems.
Firstly, NO is released in this process as a free radical, which may lead to oxidative damage of tissues until they will be stabilized by hemoglobin.
Secondly, L-arginine is involved also in the metabolism of proteins, detoxification of ammonia, and in the secretion of several hormones, and nitric oxide production is not its only task in the body.
And thirdly, people suffering from herpes simplex (responsible for rashes on the lips), should know that L-arginine can in fact "feed up" the virus.
There is, however, an alternative way - that is a production of NO from nitrates and nitrites using scopoletin, which is contained in the Noni fruits. Studies conducted in 1999 and 2000 by Dr. Thomas Burke, have shown that when taken orally Noni juice, the body produces nitric oxide.
Dr. Burke also was making applications of diluted Noni juice on the surface of endothelial cells (cells lining the inner surface of blood vessels), and found that this causes the formation of NO. The discovery of this mechanism of Noni juice in the body caused a renewed interest in the possibility of its application in cardiovascular diseases.
Research by Dr. Solomon showed that about 80% of those who used Noni juice reported a decline in blood pressure, which is probably associated with vasodilation due to the action of scopoletin.
The published data of 20 physicians belonging to the whole set of 8000 people are as follows: at the correct use of Noni juice for 3 months, there was a decrease in blood pressure to the normal range in 87% of patients observed, and the pressure was maintained at the reached level for several weeks after cessation of Noni reception.
Noni and cholesterol
Very few results of therapeutic use of Noni juice have already passed rigorous scientific scrutiny, but its ability to lower cholesterol has been proven convincingly.
Because nowadays people tend to eat is not healthy food, many are forced to take drugs that lower cholesterol. However, it is possible that Noni juice treats high cholesterol, thus avoiding dependence on expensive anti-cholesterol medications which, besides, are far from harmless. The American Heart Association considers it necessary to continue research in this direction, but the results already achieved look very promising.
Noni research carried out with the participation of one hundred and thirty-two volunteers. At the beginning of the study, all participants had a high cholesterol level. One hundred and six participants were drinking one to four ounces of Noni juice (ie, 30 to 120 mL) every day for a month. Twenty-six participants took exactly the same taste the drink, which, however, did not contain Noni juice. During the study, none of the participants did not take any other medicines that might have an effect on cholesterol levels.
The results showed that after one month receiving Noni average cholesterol level decreased from 235.2 mg / dl to 190.2 mg / dl. Triglycerides, which is the main cause of high cholesterol decreased from 242.5 mg / dl to 193, 5 mg / dl. So if you do not have the patience to wait for the results will be checked and double-checked, you can safely include Noni juice to your diet.
The effectiveness of Noni juice in cardiovascular diseases is as versatile as its composition is rich and varied. Along with the specifically established mechanisms of action of proxeronine, scopoletin and damnakantal, it should be noted also the general energizing and regenerative Noni effects on the body.
In the total number of 1,411 people who drank Noni juice, 85% of them reported that its blood pressure fell to normal. In 78% of 1,643 patients treated with Noni juice in various heart diseases, it has been ascertained or complete recovery or significant improvement in the condition. And in 55% of 1.391 patients undergoing heart attack, Noni juice helped to accelerate recovery.
According to the research and treatment of reviews, dose of Noni juice for the normalization of blood pressure was 90 ml per day. And with heart attacks and other heart diseases - an average of 120 ml.
Noni and Diabetes
Diabetes (diabetus mellitus) in its prevalence and health effects is on 3rd place after cardiovascular disease and cancer. There are two types of diabetes:
Type 1 - so called juvenile-onset diabetes, which is characterized by the appearan-ce of symptoms already at young age, between 10 and 16 years, and due to a lack of insulin, the hormone responsible for the normal metabolism of sugars in the body. The lack of insulin is due to the destruction of the cells of the pancreas, where the hormone is produced, by the specific substances. This type of diabetes is less common.
Type 2 - adult diabetes, which occurs mainly after age 40, often latent (hidden, that is, the patient does not know what he is ill). It is characterized by a relative lack of insulin, ie, the pancreas produces the hormone, but the body's cells do not react to it (insulin resistance). This type of diabetes is more common, it is as much as 90% of all cases. Often it is accompanied by obesity and disorders of fat metabolism.
Unfortunately, until now the true causes of diabetes has not been established. It is only known that the etiology of the disease is associated with abnormalities in the immune and endocrine systems.
Since Noni juice has a normalizing effect on the immune system, and also has regenerative properties, probably, its effectiveness in diabetes is caused just by that. Noni can promote restoration of beta-cells of the pancreas, and improve their work, also increase the sensitivity of insulin receptors of body cells.
Action of Noni juice to reduce the manifestations of diabetes is complex; it can be reduced to 3 points:
- Direct effect on the cells of the pancreas - due to the content of specific substance damnakantal, it is regeneration of cells that produce insulin and at the same time stimulation of Immune system to ensure optimum concentration of lymphocytes and phagocytes and thus removal of damaged cells.
- Support the general metabolic status - due to the content of 18 amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and mineral substances.
- Improvement of the blood vessels state and fat metabolism (here is manifested the effect of specific components of Noni juice are described in chapter "Noni and blood pressure").
Clinical data show a high, 83% efficiency Noni to improve the health of diabetics. They are based on the results of Noni juice use in 4323 patients with diabetes.
Polynesian Noni Juice can be successfully used in diabetes types I and II. Note that in diabetes type I, Noni juice does not replace insulin injections, but may reduce the need for these injections. At the same time taking Noni juice should be under medical supervision.
The general requirement for all patients with diabetes: Noni juice dosage should be increased gradually. At the same time, the control of the level of blood sugar is required: in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the afternoon; then you can determine how your body reacts to Noni juice, and adjust its reception.
Those 83 percent of patients, whose state of health has improved, drank daily average of 120 ml of Noni juice.
CaliVita International makes a gift to those who want to get the maximum benefit from the Noni juice: that is a set "Organic Noni Pack" of four bottles of Noni juice, organically grown, at the price of 3! By taking part in this action, you automatically become a member of our International Club.
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This article is for informational purposes only; It does not replace a visit to a doctor or professional advice.
This article is copyrighted by Alexander Yezovit. It cannot be reprinted without permission from Alexander Yezovit.
Added: June, 2015
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