How can one drug to act effectively on a wide range of health problems? Brief clinical rationale is as follows:
If our body is in physical and mental equilibrium, it produces in sufficient amount the material xeronine, which induces the immune system and helps to produce the enzymes necessary for operation. This gives the body strength to cope alone with the impending problems.
Aging, stress, unhealthy living environment - all these factors lead to the fact that the production of xeronine in the body decreases. Noni supplies the body substances necessary for the adequate production of xeronine (proxeronine); the cells were exposed to it begin to absorb more nutrients from food and supplements, and thus the body comes back to the original balance.
In addition, other specific components of Noni help disposing of dead cells and their regeneration, resulting preventive effect of the drug on the growth of cancer cells. Of course, we do not feel directly the action of Noni, but after a short time of its application, we feel an improvement in all physical and mental condition. Noni contains 18 different amino acids, many of which the human body can not produce independently, but wich are necessary for it.
Noni fruit has another specific component - scopoletin. Its specific effect is that it supports the work of the pineal gland and thus helps to increase the concentration of serotonin and melatonin in the bloodstream. If these substances in the body are not enough, there is deregulation of internal rhythms, a tendency to depression occurs and sleep cycle is disturbed. Polinesian Noni is recognized as a stimulator of the immune system and at the same time, an effective antioxidant.
People taking Noni juice, feel a decrease in fatigue and a surge of vitality. They are easier to tolerate everyday stresses; they are normalized heart rate and blood pressure. Others note improved digestion, in particular, the disappearance of constipation due to the content of digestive enzymes in the Noni.
It was found that Noni increases the production of endorphins, what promotes good mood and also has an antidepressant effect. Noni enhances all the defense mechanisms of the body and does not give any side effects. It can play an important role in the prevention of several hundred different health problems.
In this article, we want to focus on probably the most important property of Noni juice - as unsurpassed activator of the immune system. As far as we know, xeronine helps to improve the work of globular proteins - antibodies, which are a key element of the immune system. These proteins are responsible for the organization of a clear interaction of different types of immune cells, and with their help, all immune mechanisms begin to work as a team.
Noni juice affects all major elements of the immune system - immunoglobulins, lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, beta cells, T-lymphocytes and macrophages.
In the immune system, there are five basic functions. The first of these functions - this is the fight against infections. Noni very effectively helps people with infectious diseases, patients who have acne, as well as monoviruses and herpes viruses.
The second major function of the immune system - is the fight against allergic reactions. Noni juice is at the forefront of the fight against a large number of the most diverse types of allergies.
The third major function performed by the immune system is the fight against inflammation. Noni juice proved very effective in many inflammatory processes, such as arthritis, tendinitis, bursitis and unhealed wounds.
The fourth main function of the immune system is associated with autoimmune diseases. There are hundreds of autoimmune diseases in which the body begins to produce antibodies against its own proteins. Imbalance of the body most often begins with the intestines, so autoimmune diseases are usually accompanied by a number of food allergies. Noni juice cures intestine, thus weakening the trigger mechanism of autoimmune disease. In addition, Noni enhances the ability of immune cells to differentiate related to body and alien proteins.
The fifth function of the immune system associated with the fight against cancer, and it is due to one of the most impressive features inherent in Noni juice. Normalizing the interaction of cells of the immune system, Noni much improves effectiveness of the detection and destruction of cancer cells, and this helps to prevent or slow the progression of the cancer.
There is a very high likelihood that about 95% of cancer diseases occur when the DNA is destroyed by toxins present in the environment. The best antioxidants prevent about 20% of such destruction. Studies of Noni juice demonstrated that its use, even in small doses, can prevent the destruction of the DNA by 40-90%.