Effective slimming
Author: Alexander Yezovit
Prophecies of Nostradamus warned of the disastrous events of history.
Leonardo knew that man can and will fly. Jules Verne predicted that we will travel under water, but no genius would have bet a penny to the fact that since 2000, for a large part of humanity biggest problem will be a surplus of available food and the inability to know when to stop.
In Europe and the U.S. population 163 million people are overweight, another 70 million are beefy. And this is despite the fact that never before we have not seen such a fashion on a healthy lifestyle, the well-groomed appearance, perfect physical condition, as we see today. This contradiction prompted many researchers to study the problems of lose weight. Just today, as a result of developments we have whole series of drugs for effective slimming, preserving the traditional commitment to natural substances.
Obesity arises for many reasons. In the majority of cases, adverse changes in shape occur due to the combined effect of several factors. For effective slimming also required a comolex of factors. The first mistake people make when get better. The second - when they decide that they will starve, because they want to lose weight. These errors are often characterized by the ladies, who sometimes show serious eating disorders.
The first fasting for a few days brings a visible, tangible results. But the body, noticing changes in living conditions, namely - reducing quantity of ingested food, started saving, reducing the rate of metabolism. The process of effective slimming slows down, and at the end of the slimming course the body, which is attuned to the economy, regains all lost weight from virtually the first piece of pizza. This phenomenon is called "yo-yo effect."
If you are a veteran of the struggle with your weight, then faster its loss may not seem dangerous, but remember that the ultimate goal is an effective slimming, optimum health and performance. Dieters can get a stable result only with a drug, which gives a balanced weight loss, while compensating for vital substances. It is worth noting that this is, first of all, not quantitative but qualitative question. The quantity in this case implies thousandths gram. The number in this case implies few thousandths of a gram.
Among the leading athletes, especially bodybuilders, are common drugs that contain unnecessarily high concentration of some components, but other substances in them do not present or are included in very small quantities. The human body seeks to balance and can not absorb any such substance, which could upset the internal balance (homeostasis).
Anyone who has prepared for his body rate of fasting regularly coached it, putting severe stress, like professional athletes. There is therefore a need for a special, developed exclusively for specific needs, a comprehensive and balanced product for effective slimming. The energy obtained by a person of food is not wasted, but only transformed; the body uses it, or stores, for example, in the form of fat. Here at the forefront is the regular reception of products containing natural substances which burns fat.
In the battle with obesity, the "bomb" is such a new drug as thermogenetic complex for effective slimming Slim Formula . It contains active ingredients derived from extracts of medicinal plants:
- Garcinia cambogia, which active substance is hydroxicytrate stimulating thermogenesis and reduces appetite.
- Turmeric stimulates the production of bile by the liver than promotes good digestion and purification of the digestive tract. Increased production of bile may also reduce blood cholesterol levels, as cholesterol is one of the main components of bile (liver uses to produce bile an increased quantity of blood cholesterol).
- Fig cactus Nopal plays an important role in regulating blood sugar levels and lowers blood fats. It contains enzymes which stimulate healthy digestion and are involved in the regulation of the liver work. Nopal cleans the colon than normalizes activity of the digestive tract and plays an essential role in weight regulating.
- Fennel seeds, among other things, well affect the function of the stomach, prevent swelling and stimulate the overall metabolism, as well known for their diuretic action.
- Green tea extract has a positive effect on the nervous system, heart, circulation and digestion.
- Ginger root contributes to the development of heat, is the Energizer and significantly activates cell metabolism.
- Chromium (in helated form) and L-carnitine (an amino acid that burns fat and turns them into energy) are substances that contribute to effective slimming and enhance thermogenesis.
The action of Slim Formula opposed to risk factors, whose influence in today's civilized world is becoming more pronounced: stunning pace of life, full of stress; chemicals; food with lots of artificial additives, preservatives and dyes or products from genetically modified raw materials, poor natural nutrients.
The main advantage of Slim Formula is that the "whimsical" places where there are usually fat deposits (thighs, abdomen, buttocks) are significantly greater fat loss than in other parts of the body. Thus, just a small weight loss gives a visible result: the figure becomes more slender. Since Slim Formula converts combustible molecules of fat into energy, it should be help by intensive movement. The regular movement is heavy given only at the beginning, and later it brings more joy, and over time it appears compelling need. Slim Formula with a light heart can be offered to everyone.
To get back muscle tone, a nice feeling and a perfect figure regular physical exercises are required. It is not enough that the scales will show fewer pounds. Due to its composition Slim Formula well affect the process of muscle growth, contributing to embedding the molecules of the protein that makes a person stronger. This drug is also suitable for use in extremely sporting purposes.
Slim Formula + Motion + Healthy Food can help you achieve:
- weight loss, ideal figure;
- energy, taste for life;
- liberation from toxins, purification of the body;
- digestion, normal functioning of the intestine;
- wellbeing.
It is recommended for athletes, as well as those who regularly engaged in physical activities.
It is well proven as a means to ensure effective slimming, also medication Super Soya Lecithin and Triple Potency Lecithin. Two of the most effective components of these products are choline and inositol. They accelerate the natural process of splitting and burning fat. In addition, lecithin reduces weight without compromising health, it also:
- contributes runningaway energy from the oxidized fatty acid molecules;
- preclude storage of fats in the liver and contributes to its detoxification;
- helps neutralize poisons;
- lowers cholesterol levels in the organism;
- helps clean the joints of the salt deposits.
A good addition to receiving soy lecithin are preparations of organic chromium. Chromium normalizes the process of metabolism of fats and sugars in the body, reduces cravings for sweets. The drug Chromium Max 500 contains chromium in the form of GTF - glucose-tolerance factor (chelated form). This is the only form of chromium may affect the metabolic processes and contribute to effective weight loss.
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This article is copyrighted by Alexander Yezovit. It cannot be reprinted without permission from Alexander Yezovit.
Added: May, 2007
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