In 2006, Professor Barry Poupkin from University of North Carolina published data showing that obesity on the threats list is ahead of the main human calamity - famine. Today in the world, about 800 million people systematically malnourished, but at least one billion are overweight.
And this despite the fact that there were never before such a fashion for a healthy lifestyle, a well-kept appearance, perfect physical condition, as we see today. This controversy has led many researchers to study the problem of effective weight loss. The result was the emergence of whole class of supplements that can help not only to avoid the accumulation of excess fat, but also to get rid of acquired inventories.
Dieters can get a stable result only with such drug that gives a balanced weight loss, offsetting simultaneously the vital substances. However, many drugs for weight loss, especially the popular "fat burners" contain unduly high concentration of some components, and other substances in them do not exist or are in very small quantities. Therefore, there is a need for special designed exclusively for specific needs, a complex and balanced products.
Where does the fat go away?
Before turning to these products, let us first define the concept of "fat burning". Many people do believe that it is enough to swallow a pill so-called "fat burner", so excess body fats break out with a blue flame and will go away with the smoke. Where do these go and what smoke?
The process of converting fat into energy (which is implied by the burning of fat) takes place in several stages, and to ensure that it completed successfully (the same "smoke"), all of these stages must take place. Let call them one by one.
The first stage - the process of splitting fat contained in fat depots, to glycerol and fatty acids that enter the bloodstream.
The second stage - the transport of fatty acids through the bloodstream into the mitochondria of cells.
The third stage - the conversion of fats into energy in these mitochondria.
These three stages play a key role in the mechanism of "burning" of accumulated fat reserves. If one of these mechanisms does not work, you'll never lose weight no matter what diet and "fat burners" you will not use.
Is it enough only fat burners that this process has gone through? And it should go to the end, otherwise unprocessed fatty acids will be returned to the blood and put with insulin in the same fat cells (adipocytes), where you pulled them so hard. The side and quite unexpected effect of the reciprocating motion will be increased level of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood.
Most overweight people triglycerides (fat molecules) trapped in adipocytes, as in a bank vault. The fact is that fat cells can make virtually unlimited amounts of fat, without any conditions, how many of them will come. Fat cells in obese people can be 100 times larger than the slim.
The keys of these fat depots are present only in stress hormones. These hormones are showing their activity during starvation, exercise, lowering blood sugar levels and any other form of stress, when you need extra fuel in the form of fat for energy.
In the dream, we are spared the stress and physical exertion, but, nevertheless, the cells every second should be fitted with energy. To do this in about an hour after falling asleep, and only at night, the pituitary begins to secrete night stress hormone - a growth hormone. Therefore, proper sleep and wakefulness regime is no less important for the body in good shape than other factors.
Only when triglycerides are leaving their shelter, they can enter the bloodstream in the splitted form. But the accumulation of fatty acids in the blood is no use to anyone; these should be delivered where there is a shortage of fuel, that is, in the mitochondria of cells. However, the fats can not to swim in the bloodstream themselves, they at once settle on the walls of blood vessels. They can move only with the help of special proteins - lipoproteins.
So when there is enhanced consumption of fat reserves, the body must produce increased amounts of lipoprotein. But there are different lipoproteins - high-density (good) and low-density (which is also called "bad cholesterol"). What determines their density? The availability of a sufficient amount of proteins in the body: when more proteins, then higher density of lipoproteins, and vice versa.
So, leaning on the "burners", you are giving your body a disservice: fatty acids in the blood become more but proteins needed to build high-density lipoproteins, is not enough (they are not part of the "super fat burners"). As a result, the body has to economize proteins and build a low-density and very low density lipoproteins, thus creating an imminent threat of atherosclerosis. But it is a single step from athero-sclerosis to myocardial infarction or stroke.
Fat molecules floating in the blood must somehow get into the cells, and here the role of "nets" belongs to the amino acid carnitine. Carnitine molecules, which reside on cell membranes, intercept lipoproteins, binding to molecules of fat, and get along with them into the cell directly to the mitochondria that produce energy. There's "burning" of fats, and these transform not into smoke, but into the energy (ATP), althought only in the amount that the body needs.
Without lipoproteins and carnitine, fat could never find a useful work in cells. It would have continued to accumulate in the blood of an ever-increasing concentration, partially collapsing the walls of the arteries as plaques, and partially back into the fat depots.
Once carnitine molecules have transported fats into the cell, these must be burned. But it can be done only if there is sufficient quantity molecules of thyroxine in cells. This thyroid hormone functions as a "stoker", fueling the furnace to generate energy. People whose thyroxine is produced not enough (e.g., hypothyroidism) are usually overweight.
To producing thyroxine, thyroid gland needs trace element iodine and the amino acid tyrosine. If these nutrients are enough, thyroid gland produces about 0.01 g of thyroxine per day, and this is enough to maintain round the clock work to burn fat in the mitochondria of all cells in our body.
But there is one caveat. Thyroxine molecule is very simple in structure, so it is vulnerable to damage by free radicals. Going through the bloodstream, thyroxine molecules are attacked first free radicals, resulting in some people only about 20% of the total produced thyroxine gets in the cell.
However, the molecules of thyroxine have a bodyguard - vitamin C. It protects thyroxine against free radicals, although it carries with heavy losses - the protection of a single molecule of thyroxine requires 12 molecules of vitamin C! But only if sufficient amounts of vitamin C in blood, thyroxine molecules enter the cells and can start producing energy, in our case - by burning fat.
As you can see, fat burning effect is not limited to only one "burners". This is a whole relay of biochemical transformations and reflex reactions of the organism from which any one item should not be dropped.
Let begin with that in order to start the extraction of fat from the depots, the body must periodically to feel a lack of energy - to feel healthy hunger or be subjected to physical stress. When a constant feeling of fullness, a command to extract of deposited fats will not be given never. Therefore, exercise is a necessary component of any weight loss program - how to extract the fat from the adipose tissue, as well as for burning them in the cells. As well as a reasonable restriction in food.
For the splitting of the released fats, the body must contain a sufficient amount of lipotropic substances. This is mainly vitamin-like substances, referred to in B vitamins - choline, inositol, lecithin, folic acid. The role of the proper "burners" as such, is limited almost entirely to the binding of excess fat in the digestive tract, i.e., to prevent new fat incomings.
In order to splitted fats be involved in blood flow, but not in cholesterol plaques, high-density lipoproteins needed, and thus you should be concerned about adequate protein structure of your food, or take amino acid supplements. The composition of these amino acid sets must necessarily include tyrosine and carnitine.
Miraculous "slimming pills" and "fat burners" that are so often advertised in recent years, are mostly ineffective, and sometimes may be harmful to your health. For example, due to the transfer of the subcutaneous deposits in deposits on the walls of blood vessels. So, if someone promises you weight loss of 10 pounds per month exclusively on the tablets, ask yourself, where you might find later a part of these "burnt" pounds, if you suddenly start to really lose weight.
Never, under any circumstances, emitted during the disposal of fat energy can not turn into anything other than muscle work or extra heat! This principle is the basis of modern means for proper weight loss and body forming. They should always be considered only as an addition to a healthy lifestyle, sensible eating patterns and exercise. The main role in the fight against unnecessary weight belongs to yourselves, to the hardness of your decision to lose weight and persistence in achieving this goal.