To fully functioning papillae require a variety of nutrients, including in the full protein diet.
97 percent of the mass of hair is keratin, a protein that contains sulfur. When protein deficiency hair is getting thin. Hairdressers are often able to establish protein deficiency on the hair of its customers. Therefore, a prerequisite for luxuriant hair is a food rich in proteins.
It is not that your diet contains as much protein foods - meat, fish, poultry or cheese. More important is that proteins contained in food are well assimilated. This is possible only with the full variety of foods, which includes fruits, vegetables, salads and cereals containing vitamins and minerals, enzymes and plant fibers.
Such a balanced diet provides normal acidity of the stomach, as well as the production of enzymes in the stomach and intestine break down proteins. Digestibility of proteins in this case may rise by 40 percent. At the same time, harmful polyamines (ie, undigested protein molecules) will no longer come into the scalp with blood). Dandruff no longer be formed, hair loss will diminish.
Enrichment of foods with zinc helps to better preserve and even restore hair color. Zinc is an antagonist of copper - the main causes of gray hair. At deficiency of zinc in the diet (uncommon), each new disappointment will add you another strand of gray hair. Zinc deficiency in itself creates a burden on the nervous system, and if this be added with stress, then the result may be graying and hair loss.
B-vitamins, especially vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and B3 (niacin), are the most important substances necessary for hair growth. For the pigmentation of hair are necessary PABA, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), folic and pantothenic acids. Those who completely refuse from sugar and sweets, and every morning eats one cup of rubbing raw grains of oats, barley, rye, wheat - suspending the process of graying and even restore the color of gray hair.
For growth and hair health are important also such B vitamins as biotin and inositol. Inositol maintains a balance of copper and zinc in the cells - remember what was said above about the causes of gray hair. Biotin maintains the health of hair. Biotin is found in many products: bulgur (a product of processed wheat), green peas, lentils, walnuts, sunflower seeds, soybean, cereals, brewer's yeast and brown rice.
Beautiful, smooth skin and thick, silky hair, figuratively speaking, born in the intestines, and biotin might help in this more than all the beauty institutes in the world. This is all the more striking that it should be only one thousandth of a gram of this vitamin in the liver, as a permanent reserve to supply not only cells of the skin and hair, but the whole organism this amazing nutrient.
Biotin is contained in the yeast, liver, egg yolk, tomatoes, soya beans, the raw rice and bran. However, biotin which is needed for our cells, mainly produced by bacteria in our intestines. This is possible only if the intestinal microflora does not break. Intestinal microbes need only complete a healthy meal to diligently do their work.
Since biotin contains sulfur, it can be called vitamin of beauty for skin, hair and nails. Beautiful, smooth skin and thick, silky hair "create" in the intestine. This is where the bacteria produce biotin.
Since biotin controls fat exchange and mainly located in the skin and hair, it naturally affects the fat content in the skin. Where lack of biotin, comes seborrhea - impaired function of the sebaceous glands. Its effects are, in particular, hair loss and dandruff. Since this occurs also the lack of sulfur, the skin pale, and hair becomes dull. Nails also become more brittle.
Another member of the B group to healthy hair is vitamin B12 , which is contained in meat and eggs. Without this vitamin hair just can not live. Nowadays hair loss in women is often caused in this reason. The same can be said about iron, as its main source, as well as vitamin B12, is meat products.
Vitamin E provides a blood oxygen saturation and delivering into cells, it improves blood circulation in the scalp. It also improves immunity and thus maintains healthy hair. We can therefore assume that vitamin E is responsible for hair growth and prevents them from falling out. The optimal amount of vitamin E (daily demand) is 10-30 mg (400 IU).
Vitamin C is also important for growth and maintain healthy hair, as it improves circulation to the scalp, strengthening and cleansing the capillaries, which improve nutrition of hair follicles. It is now believed that the optimum daily requirement of vitamin C is not less than 500 milligrams.