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Vitamins for hair growth in food
All the necessary vitamins and mineral elements to ensure healthy hair can be obtained from food, if properly build a diet. Your menu should necessarily include egg yolks, nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, whole grains, cheese, peas, beans. Oat-flakes also are good for hair and health of the whole organism. On your table, should also regularly attend apples, tomatoes, spinach, beets and zucchini.
A good source of protein is chicken and organic beef, a source of vitamins and trace elements - parsley and dill, peas and other greens. Oily sea fish contains very important to hair health unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids, the liver - a complex of B vitamins, as well as eggs, nuts, carrots, soy beans, peas and beans. These products help to improve the density, texture and growth of hair.
Eat more of raw fruits and vegetables, along with the skin - it contains a number of substances that are favorable to the state of the hair. Healthy hair also needs foods rich in calcium and iron - this are many green and leafy vegetables, seaweed and other products.
To make your hair always looked healthy, try to avoid "fast" carbohydrates that are contained in the dough-baking and confectionery products, sweet fruits. They cause many problems with the skin and hair, for example, greasiness of the scalp, seborrhea and dandruff. For the health of hair, it is important that your diet contained more protein but less fat and carbohydrates.
Healthy hair has beautiful luster thanks to sulfur, which is contained the amino acids cysteine and methionine. To ensure the organism a sufficient amount of sulfur, it is rather four eggs a week. 100 grams of egg yolk contains 165 mg of pure sulfur associated with cysteine and methionine. This link provides a very rapid penetration of sulfur in the hair, which they acquire the sheen. Contrary to popular belief, the use of eggs does not increase the level of harmful cholesterol - with a healthy balanced diet they are likely to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Egg yolks, oysters, mushrooms, nettles, onions, seaweed, microalgae Spirulina, all nuts and seeds, peppers, seaweed, licorice root, and all sorts of supplements received from them, are very rich in zinc and its synergetics - vitamins and proteins, what just provides a good protective and therapeutic effect on hair and skin.
Nature does not recognize the disease - it distinguishes only the old and young cells of the body. Young cells are protected by biodiversity advocates, which include carotene - a substance from which vitamin A is produced. Tissues, rich in carotene, significantly longer remain young.
Since the cells of hair papillae may be saturated carotene only if it is present in sufficient quantity even in the finest capillaries, we must take care that the blood was always enough carotene molecules. There is only one possibility for this: you should take diet rich in carotene.
It includes, first of all, dark-green, yellow and red vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, carrots, beets or squash. A lot of carotene and vitamin A contains in apricots. American Nobel laureate George Whipple believes that apricots on its anti-aging abilities are comparable with the liver.
Food carotenes are more favorable for healthy hair than reception of vitamin A, as in some situations, an excess of vitamin A can cause hair loss. So it is better to choose a diet that provides adequate intake of all necessary for hair growth substances, and from supplements is preferable not to take any special tools to strengthen hair, but to take already proven vitamin-mineral complexes with balanced composition.
No less side effects of good nutrition for your hair: dandruff disappears, and comb is almost no hair after grooming.
If you often use express diets in an attempt to lose weight and limit the use of some products that you provide questionable service your stomach and your hair. Many low-calorie diets eliminate foods containing certain nutrients that are vital for healthy hair. For example, the fatty acids Omega-3, zinc and vitamin A. This not only impairs the growth of hair, but they also become brittle and lose their luster. With the continuing shortage of the necessary micronutrients your hair can start a strong hair loss.
Strict diets can also affect the life cycle of hair. A significant loss of weight in a short time violates the normal rhythm of renovation hair that may cause them to increased precipitation. The sharp decline in weight by more than 10% leads to protein deficiency and disturbances of mineral balance. Restore healthy hair and to strengthen them is possible only through full and balanced diet and proper care.
Vitamins and dietary supplements for stronger hair
If you are not sure that you get from food all the necessary nutrients to your hair, it is worth thinking about dietary supplements. The best choice is a multivitamin complexes. They effectively complement your meal and will offset a possible shortfall of just those vitamins and mineral substances that are missing your hair.
Special vitamins to strengthen hair are usually not needed. A well-chosen regular multivitamin complex does not operate less efficiently.
When choosing multivitamins should follow some simple recommendations.
- Multivitamin complex should contain not only vitamins but also mineral elements - primarily calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. It is advisable to present also selenium.
- The complex should be adequately represented B vitamins. It is quite inadequate if multivitamins contain only 2-3 vitamins of group B. Isolated reception of some vitamins worsen deficits of other B-vitamins.
- Minerals should be included in a complex in the chelate (organic) form. This will increase the degree of their assimilation (several times).
If you picked for yourself appropriate multivitamin complex, you can take it for a long time. Vitamins are not alien substances to the body such as drugs, and should not occur addiction. You can also take multivitamin courses 3-4 times per year, the most critical periods for you.
It is best to take a multivitamin during the meal - in the morning or at lunch. If you are taking only vitamins B group, take it better at night, because they act as a light sedative. It is also desirable to drink during the day not less than 2 liters of clean water. This not only ensures right water balance of the organism, but also helps to regulate the concentration of vitamins and mineral substances in the blood at the right level, and to remove metabolic wastes.
If necessary, you can also take some important for healthy hair vitamins and minerals as individual supplements. For example, a capsules of vitamin E, beta carotene, organic forms of zinc, selenium, calcium and magnesium. To improve the peripheral circulation can take garlic, ginkgo biloba, antioxidant complexes, unsaturated fatty acids Оmega 3, a complex to cholesterol lowering Cholestone.
Searching shampoo
Each of us for his life uses many different tools for hair care, especially cleaning. We are looking for, select, but, alas, not always quickly find exactly the shampoo or soap, which are so suited to our hair and skin. Successfully picked shampoo can eliminate dandruff, strengthens hair, gives them a nice shine, without causing irritation, excessive dryness or other unpleasant effects.
Find a shampoo is not easy. And even more rarely we find tools actually beneficial for growth and livelihoods your own hair.
Zinc deficiency has a significant impact on the growth and health of your hair. Children and women who have poor appetite and thus fall out or do not grow hair, may not be sufficiently achieved by this element. However, zinc is a powerful antiseptic to disinfect the skin surface. All fungi, bacteria, even viruses such as herpes virus, very afraid of zinc. That is why we find zinc compounds in baby powders, ointments, creams, pastes, intended for the treatment of almost all skin diseases, including the scalp, but also in Cosmetology.
Thus, zinc is one of the active principles of known shampoos "Head and Shoulders", "Wash and Go", "Pantene Pro-V" (Procter and Gamble), the Swiss means "Hair repair", "Freederm-Zinc Shampoo" (U.S.) , "Zinc-Shampoo" (Avon).
Chemists invent new tools have successfully used the synergy that is mutually reinforcing the biological effect of zinc, vitamin A, and B-vitamins. So, we can easily find zinc ions in a formula the majority of detergent rich of these vitamins.
Helping your body inside and outside, you reach a double effect. In order to effect occurred rapidly and was noticeable, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of your imperfections. For example, zinc deficiency should be replenished, not only affecting the outside, but taking appropriate medication inside.
Wash your hair as often as necessary. Harms the hair is not frequent washing, but accumulation of secretions of sebaceous glands in the skin, the hair roots, which breed bacteria and fungi.
When frequent hair washing is better to combine different shampoos: 5-6 times a week - to wash hair soft and gentle shampoo designed for everyday use, and 1-2 times use more tough shampoo for oily hair.
In the last wash, water should always be cold, it refreshes the scalp and stimulates blood circulation. Dry hair is better at room temperature, and in the summer - in the shadows. If you use a hair dryer, keep it for at least 15 cm from the hair and try to blow dry your hair in the direction of their growth.
To wash the hair should be use pre-boiled water. To soften water, you can use various additives:
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 liter of water,
- 1 teaspoon of ammonia to 2 liters of water,
- 1 teaspoon of glycerin to 1 liter of water.
If you are concerned about heightened hair loss, try enabling shampoo containing extracts of nettle, chamomile and menthol.
Fatty scalp should degrease using lotions and tonics. The main thing to look after is no hair but scalp. Hair is a dead, keratinized structure, but the skin is a living, and just its caprices should be taking with the choice of care means.
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