In this case, be sure to take a monitoring of vitamin-mineral balance of hair and get a general endocrine screening. Violations of hair growth often associated with diseases that are not always easy to find out.
Causes of hair loss may also be associated with "external" factors: stress, disturbed environment, radiation, uncontrolled intake of medications.
Usually you can be considered normal precipitation hundred hairs a day. It must be borne in mind that, except for the hair remaining on the comb, a similar number remains on your clothes, on a pillow and the floor. So if you find in a comb a hundred hairs - it is already a lot.
But it is also quite individually, because people have different amount of hair on his head. Sound the alarm should be, if you notice that the rate of hair loss you have suddenly risen sharply. You can even get such a test: Take a section of 15-20 hair and pull it harder around the roots - if you have a hand left more than three hairs, it is already abnormally.
Consider some of the reasons for hair thinning and treatments.
1. Woman, as a man
Sometimes, at the age of 18 to 44 years in women may begin baldness male (androgens) type due to increased male hormone testosterone and its transition to the DHT-form (dihidrotestosterone). Usually full of hair loss do not occur, but the skin begins to shine or parting expands. At the same time also may develop seborrhea.
The cause of androgenic alopecia is associated with dysfunction of the ovaries and adrenal glands, which causes a sharp increase in the production of androgens (male hormones). Sometimes there is also a genetic predisposition to androgenic baldness.
Treatment of androgenic alopecia in women, as well as in the case of male pattern baldness, is long and not easy. Hormonal drugs usually prescribed for months and even years. In some cases, hormonal treatment makes a noticeable effect, but it is not safe as it can lead to menstrual irregularities. And even worse is that some time after the end of treatment hair begins to fall again. The only thing that can radically help in this case - it is determine the cause of endocrine disruption and to try to resolve it.
Resources of natural origin can also help here: homeopathic medicines, vitamin-mineral complexes and phyto-compositions. From the standpoint of modern ideas about the mechanism of androgenic alopecia phyto-compositions are of most interest. The more so drug treatment of androgenic alopecia in most cases is lengthy and does not give stable results.
2. Loss of hair during pregnancy
Hair loss after giving birth, facing no less than 40-50% of young mothers for 1-5 months after birth is a widespread problem. Why is this so and what can be done to the hair falls out less?
At any given time 90% of hair is in a growth phase, the remaining 10% - in the resting stage. Every two or three months, the hair at rest falls, and in their place, new hair begins to grow. During pregnancy, elevated levels of hormones does not "ripe" hair falls out, so during pregnancy, many women the hair has become more elaborate.
After the birth, levels of estrogen in the female body falls, the hormonal balance normalize, and "retard" hair begins to fall. But as for the pregnancy, their outdated hair accumulates enough, after the birth, they fall immediately in large quantities.
During pregnancy, up to 60% of hair can go a state of rest, but to restore normal growth of new hairs, it takes time. More intense hair loss occurs in young mothers who do not breastfeed.
Usually the hair is fully recovered within 6 to 12 months. If the hair condition is not improving, and one year after childbirth intensive precipitation continues, you must be tested and consult a doctor - physician and dermatologist. This may be due to a lack of iron and other necessary for your body substances. The hair may also fall more intensively at low levels of hemoglobin and low blood pressure.
To accelerate the restoration of hair, you should take iron supplements, calcium and magnesium, as well as B-complex and extra vitamin B6 (MagneZi B6).
Hair loss may be associated also with other changes in the hormone field, leading to changes in estrogen levels. For example, if you stop taking oral contraceptives or stop using other hormonal methods of contraception. Hair loss may also be linked to miscarriage, stillbirth or induced abortion.
If you are worried about the condition of your hair after pregnancy, first consult with the district physician or family doctor, as well as with your gynecologist. Make sure that your hormonal balance is in order.
Make sure that your meal was complete and contained all the necessary vitamins and nutrients, fist, B vitamins, especially biotin, also vitamin C and E, from minerals - zinc. For this reason, during pregnancy and after it is appropriate to take a set New Life for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Fruits, vegetables, and green tea contain bioflavonoids - natural antioxidants that protect the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. Natural bioflavonoid complexes are also included in the multivitamins
Full Spectrum и Super Mega 50.
Spare your hair - wear loose hairstyle, do not braid tight braids and pigtails, do not use metal pins and tight elastic bands to less damaging the hair structure.
Use shampoos and conditioners containing biotin and other vitamins. If you have thin hair, help shampoos containing silicone give them a greater volume.
Be careful with the hair after washing and comb them when they dry out. Do not use a hair dryer or iron. Regularly wash the comb or hair brush with warm soapy water to prevent bacterial growth.
3. Hair loss after chemotherapy
One of the major causes of hair loss may be use of chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer. Sometimes this leads to the full with hair loss. In the application of other anticancer drugs, hair falls out only partially. Be that as it may, this problem is related to cancer treatment. It manifests itself in different ways depending on the regimen used and the dosages of medications.
However, hair loss with a favorable course of the disease is temporary, and after the treatment the viability of hair restores, and they re-grow. Usually at the end of chemotherapy, hair begins to recover in a few weeks. Coloring hair or a perm slow recovery process or make the hair thinner and brittle.
4. Menopause
During menopause, production of female hormones estrogen and progesterone attenuated, and in the woman body, begin to dominate the male sex hormones, which is aggravated by psychological stress. It can also lead to hair loss. Save the health of your hair can be, if you take all the measures recommended to improve the quality of life in post-menopausal. Especially important is to maintain normal calcium balance.
5. Stress and hair loss
Nowadays, the risk of losing their hair before the time are especially residents of megacities, mainly because of the psycho-emotional overload.
Release of stress hormones violates the blood supply to the hair papillae, and slows down hair growth - their large part transits into a phase of rest. After a few months "dormant" follicles "wake up" and throw the hair around the same time. So we find excessive hair loss.
Natural sedatives help withstand stress. A very good anti-stress effects are Stress B-Complex, Rhodiolin, MagneZi B6. If you have problems with sleep can recommend Melatonin. Since we already know that the health of hair is laid in the intestine, we need probiotics, as the release of stress hormones in the first place depressing effect on the intestinal microflora.
In various diseases, which may be accompanied by hair loss, will greatly assist dietary supplements, as the majority of vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients has a positive effect not only on the condition of internal organs, but also on the metabolism of skin cells, and hence on the condition of hair.
Painful loss of hair may be accompanied by many diseases such as influenza in its severe form, scarlet fever, chicken pox. A typical picture of long hair loss is observed in iron deficiency due to various reasons, for example, after childbirth, in malnutrition, with strict weight loss diets. This disease, such as iron deficiency anemia, occurs in our time every second woman of childbearing age. In many cases, lack of iron and protein deficiency is also aggravated by zinc and other minerals and vitamin deficiency.
Iron deficiency can be supplemented with chelated iron, zinc deficiency - with chelated zinc. These supplements can be taken on the background of combined multivitamin complexes, such as the Super Mega 50, Full Spectrum, or multivitamins on the blood group.
The various neuroses, which are prone to people from the youth to old age, can manifest itself in the form of focal alopecia. In addition to chelated zinc, here may help lecithin, which not only strengthens the shaft of hair, nails and other skin formations, but also restores the myelin sheath of nerve cells. Lecithin as an additional supporting means is advisable to apply for other forms of hair loss.
Vitamins and other dietary supplements, of course, are not the panacea against hair loss. But it can not always cope hair loss only with cosmetics. To restore the strength and thickness of hair, support from the inside also should be provided.
To do this, your body has to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals. First of all, those vitamins that are vital for healthy hair and nails. These are, foremost, B vitamins. Therefore, when selecting a vitamin complex for your hair, pay special attention to whether its composition contains these substances.
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This article is copyrighted by Alexander Yezovit. It cannot be reprinted without permission from Alexander Yezovit.