Scientists have shown that human blood group is a factor that not only determines the type of a diet, but also at the gene level, characterizes the work of the major body systems, that is, in fact, dictates human lifestyle, the type of its relationship with the environment. This means that the concept of "health", "healthy living", not be considered in isolation from a particular person. What is useful for one man, can be neutral or even harmful for other.
Different types of digestive or hormonal responses to stress, particularly of the immune system, characteristic of people with different blood groups are the reason that certain blood groups, along with the strengths sides, have also weaknesses that may manifest itself in adverse circumstances (eg, regular unhealthy diet, atypical physical and emotional efforts), and lead to violations of health. Therefore, for each blood group is determined predisposition to "their" diseases associated with metabolism.
Complex nutraceuticals Vital 0,A,B,AB for each blood group can individually for each person to ensure a balanced intake of essential nutrients, as well as the correction of "weak" places of the body through purposeful selection of components with the corresponding properties. People who eat according to their blood group, they help maintain optimum health. If your diet is different from the recommended type, with the help of these drugs, you can reduce the negative impact of harmful products for you, as they are composed of medicinal plants and extracts from products that have therapeutic effects for your blood type.
In addition, list of products of CaliVita International includes other products that you can add your individual program of recovery, on what principle wherever it was based.
For people with blood group 0, the following characteristics of an organism determine their susceptibility to disease:
- hypothyroidism;
- slow metabolism (tendency to weight gain);
- increased acidity of the stomach juice (the propensity to hyperaciditic gastritis, and hence to a stomach ulcer);
- inflammation (arthritis, gastro-intestinal colitis, pancreatitis, etc.);
- bleeding.
Features of the diet for blood group 0 imply an increased need in a number of vitamins and minerals, as products recommended for you contain insufficient quantity of them.
Nutraceuticals of Vital series contain more than 40 components, providing a basic set of nutrients necessary to everyone, as well as individual supplements for each blood group. They not only compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, but above all let you save the balance of the immune system, the optimal body weight and slow down the aging process.
Complex Vital 0 contains a high amount of calcium (the main source of it - milk - is not available for you), B-complex, manganese. But the vitamin E in it there is no way of keeping blood thinners. The structure of the drug included two antioxidant complex, as well as the following herbal supplements:
- yucca stalk (anti-inflammatory effect);
- extract of licorice root (protection of gastric mucosa from irritation due to acidity);
- extract of turmeric (anti-inflammatory and protective effect);
- parsley leaves, blueberry, plum fruit and horseradish root (improvement of the stomach and intestines).
The increased dose of folic acid along with other B-vitamins helps to 0-people more gently respond to stress, and balances the negative effects of increased meat consumption, in particular, speeds up metabolism, which contributes to the normalization of body weight.
The best tactic for those who want to be completely healthy, is the transition to blood group diet, supplemented with appropriate complex Vital. It is sufficient to hold at blood group diet at least 2 weeks to feel the difference (especially if you are sick). Most importantly - avoid products that you are absolutely contraindicated. For 0-people it is any form of wheat, milk, potatoes and similar products. In this group are often cases of diabetes by years of eating wheat and milk.
Treatment of diseases 0-people can supplement also other drugs from list of products of CaliVita International. For example:
- Smokerade - antioxidant complex, contains cayenne pepper;
- Mega B-Complex, Stress B-Complex - complexes of B-vitamins;
- С-500 - 0-people to better take vitamin C in the lower dose (500 mg) because of the tendency to increased acidity;
- Omega 3 - unsaturated fatty acids, to reduce susceptibility to inflammatory processes. Do not apply for increased bleeding!
- Nopalin, Green Care - treatment of gastric ulcers;
- Chromium Max 500, Slim Formula - with weight problems.
Important notice: People with blood group 0, is not recommended to take immunostimulants. Your immune system and so naturally strong, and you can break it by applying artificial stimulation. Give your immune system good nutrition (blood group diet + multivitamin), and it will be fully operational!
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For blood group A main purpose of nutraceuticals is to strengthen the immune system. Diseases to which you are genetically predisposed:
- cardiovascular;
- cancer (the highest level among all blood groups);
- bronchial-pulmonary;
- liver diseases.
The protection of children is especially important in this respect. The structure of the complex Vital A includes vitamin E as an immunostimulant, an increased amount of iron, which is lacking in the diet of blood group A. As a preparation for the group 0, here improved the content of folic acid in the B-complex to increase resistance to stress, added quercetin (cancer prevention), increased dose of zinc (a stimulator of the immune system), chromium (reducing vulnerability to diabetes), selenium (formation of own antioxidant protection of organism). The product contains antioxidant L-glutathione complex and phytoproducts:
- bromelain (enzyme from pineapple to increase the proteolytic activity);
- leaves of hawthorn (support for the cardiovascular system);
- green tea extract (set of antioxidants, anticancer protection);
- parsley leaves, blueberries, the fruit of a plum (improving activity of the stomach and intestines);
- leaves of oregano (Origanum) - prevention of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
- ginger - anti-inflammatory agent, preventing arthritis.
Treatment of diseases A-people can supplement also other drugs from list of products of CaliVita International:
- Mega B-Complex, Stress B-Complex - people with low acidity, usually indicated B12-deficiency anemia, so B-complex is important;
- С-1000 - to improve the immunity for A-people is better to take vitamin C in higher doses (1000 mg) because of low acidity;
- C Plus - with cancer, problems with blood vessels;
- Omega 3 - unsaturated fatty acids, to reduce susceptibility to inflammatory processes. Do not apply for increased bleeding!
- Chromium Max 500 - in diabetes;
- Slim Formula - with weight problems.
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This blood group is a "middle way" ( "B" as "balance"). Its very beneficial diet balanced variety of foods. It took all the best from the kingdom of animals and plants. This is the only group in which just the transition to a diet can get rid of all diseases. However trivial, originality of this blood group determines the unique set of diseases that "carriers" of blood group B are genetically predisposed. In this group:
- highest percentage of neurological diseases;
- susceptibility to renal disease;
- susceptibility to autoimmune diseases (such as multiple sclerosis).
The immune system of B-people is friendly to viruses. Therefore, for these antiviral drugs and immunomodulators are important. B-people live in the deficiency of magnesium and lecithin, so the composition of complex Vital B includes twice the dose of magnesium (100 mg), and 100 mg of lecithin (lecithin components contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system). For B-people are also important digestive enzymes, which are part of the drug in the form of bromelain. Liquorice as an anti-inflammatory and anti-virus tool, parsley leaves for improving kidney function, broccoli as a source of chlorophyll (antibacterial and antiviral activity) are also part of the complex Vital B. Bioflavonoids, forming part of an elderberry extract provide antioxidant protection of the brain and nervous system. Reishi and shiitake mushrooms have a general health effects on the body, they increase immunity and improve antivirus protection.
The following drugs from list of products of CaliVita International well complement the treatment of diseases in B-people:
- Mega B-Complex, Stress B-Complex - with neurological conditions is important in the complex;
- С-1000 - to enhance immunity and resistance to stress;
- Omega 3 - unsaturated fatty acids, to reduce susceptibility to inflammatory processes. Do not apply for increased bleeding!
- Chromium Max 500 - in diabetes;
- Slim Formula - with weight problems.
- Arginine Plus - immunostimulant;
- Panax Gineng - immunostimulant;
- Virago - increased antiviral immunity.
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Blood group AB, which arose as a result of mixing of blood groups A and B, united at the moment along with the advantages also weaknesses of both groups. Depending on circumstances It may show signs or group A or group B. In the body of AB-people there is genetically programmed increased need for animal proteins, characteristic for group B, but the acidity of gastric juice and enzyme activity decreased as in people having blood group A; resulting animal proteins are not well digested and assimilated. The immune system is also close to the immune systems of A-and B-people, which makes it tolerant to bacteria and viruses. Therefore, AB-people also raised the risk of cancer (due to lack of antibodies to A- and B-antigens).
For AB-people characterized by an increased risk of the following diseases:
- mental and neurological disorders;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- cancer (cancer of the stomach and colon);
- viral infections.
Vital AB - comprehensive preparation for the AB-people - contains, in addition to a basic set of important nutrients for any group of blood, an important antioxidant quercetin, and selenium, to counteract the development of cancer, increased quantities of zinc, needed for the immune system, antioxidant L-glutathione complex, as well as two bioflavonoid complex - citrus and hesperidin. The structure of the drug also includes plant extracts, reinforcing the body's resistance:
- bromelain - to improve the digestion of animal proteins;
- extract from the skins of red grapefruit (source of powerful antioxidant lycopene, which lowers the probability of prostate cancer);
- green tea extract (rich source of antioxidants, anti-cancer protection);
- celery leaves (antioxidant, cardioprotective effect);
- broccoli (source of chlorophyll - antibacterial and antiviral activity);
- garlic - natural antibiotic, treatment of coronary vessels, protection against cancer.
- ginseng - adaptogen, increases resistance to stress.
In addition, people with any blood group for health maintenance is absolutely necessary to take in enough antioxidants, which provide at the cellular level, your protection from adverse environmental factors. In catalog of CaliVita International there is large selection of different antioxidant drugs and complexes, especially q-Protect and Mega q-Protect.
To ensure optimum condition of the gastrointestinal tract, probiotic supplements are useful - there are Acidophilus with Psyllium, AC-Zymes and ProbioBalance, and case of problems with digestion - enzyme complexes Meal Time, Digest Ease and Digestive Enzymes.
In all cases of cardiovascular diseases treatment is necessary to supplement with drugs Coenzyme Q10, Super Co Q10 Plus, and for prevention atherosclerosis and to reduce fat accumulation - Super Soya Lecithin, Triple Potency Lecithin. Well, for the prevention of colds during the autumn-winter and spring seasons, as well as to improve the blood and the cardiovascular system instead of aspirin, apply a natural product of garlic Garlic & Extra Parsley.
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Catalog of products
Vitamins, antioxidants
Minerals, microelements
For your blood group
Herbal formulas
Target nutraceuticals
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