"There is no right or wrong way of life or a diet, there is their right or wrong choice only; and the person can and should to make it, only being based on a personal genetic code"
Doctor Peter D'Аdаmо
An eutrophy and life according to blood type
The message about the unusual feed connected with groups of blood which bases were developed by American doctor Peter D'Аdаmо has at breakneck speed extended worldwide. The big success books of doctor D'Аdаmо "EAT RIGHT 4 YOUR TYPE" and "LIVE RIGHT 4 YOUR TYPE" in which since the theory and finishing practice results of its researches are stated.
As basis of this approach that at our ancestors a feed played a role in occurrence at people of four basic groups of blood serves. Accordingly, the organism of each person is adjusted on the type of a diet, his determined group accessory.
Proceeding from this theory, American scientists have studied influence of hundreds kinds of foodstuff on a level of hemoglobin at people with various groups of blood.
Their assumption has proved to be true. Extracts from the certain foodstuff stuck together blood cells in the certain groups of blood, and on this phenomenon regarding products of a vegetative and animal origin found unusual sticky substances which refer to lectins and are responsible for their pasting.
Lectins incorporate with being on a surface of red blood cells (erythrocytes) the substances (sugars) determining a group accessory, and this most as though stick together among themselves red blood cells, that leads to infringement of health of the person. In connection with that sugar substances are not only in blood, but also in other fabrics of the organism, inappropriate to the given group of blood a feed can damage and other bodies of a body of the person.
Researchers have broken all the tested food stuffs into three categories from the point of view of their influence on health of people of each blood type: NEUTRAL, MEDICAL and HARMFUL. The optimum state of health and life expectancy can be reached if to exclude from the diet the products rendering destructive influence on our organism.
The following conclusion of theory of blood types has appeared revealing the factor which determines genetic predisposition to those or other diseases: it has besides appeared group of blood! Each of us has "weak" places which are incorporated in our genes. For example, for the first group of blood is a predisposition to a stomach ulcer, cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases; at the second - to a diabetes, cancer diseases, diseases of kidneys, etc. The risk of display of these diseases repeatedly increases, if we on a regular basis use products, genetically сontra-indicated to us. And on the contrary, with health (including excess weight) it is possible to get rid of many problems, simply having passed to a diet corresponding your blood type. As the list of the tested products is rather extensive, you can make without effort a suitable diet for yourselves of those products which are accessible to you.
But on this researches have not ended. The scientific have found genetic connections of blood type not only with a feed, but also with many other sides of human life. It appears, in Japan already for a long time employment spend in view of group of blood! Yes, the group of blood influences and personal qualities of the person, character, a way of reaction to stress, even on abilities to those or other kinds of sports! It is possible to speak about this indefinitely, but meanwhile I wish to tell, how we use the theory of blood types practically in ours fitness union.
Well, first, we offer people of each group of blood a set of vitamins and the mineral substances, optimum supplementing your individual diet. But, in general, you see, the majority of us is accustomed to eat more or less equally, and not everyone will agree suddenly to change the food habits. It also is considered. Extracts are included in structure of preparations for each group of blood from the products useful to your group of blood, and also curative plants which possess properties, adjusting genetically weaknesses of your organism.
Moreover, at treatment of diseases that the structure of medicines can include the components which are not suitable for your blood type is considered also. For example, an aloe: it appears, it is useful only for people with 2-nd group of blood and if you have other group, can have problems. Germs of wheat popular one time do not suit any group of blood, except for the fourth, and there are more of such examples.
More about lifestyle according blood group |
Special complexes for blood group
In 1998 the company CaliVita International by first in the world began release of the special biological additives to a feed for the people of each group of blood. These preparations are exclusively distributed in a CaliVita International network. They contain not only necessary set of vitamins and minerals, but also and extracts from medicinal plants necessary for the best health.
VITAL is the complex program of the biologically active additives - in perfection supplements a feed according to group of blood, repeatedly raises its efficiency for protection of health. The complexes Vital 0, A, B, AB are developed in view of requirement for vitamins, minerals and microelements of the people of a concrete genetic type determined by group of blood.
The people with group of blood 0 (I) have a strong immune both digestive system and effective metabolism, that promotes good mastering of albuminous food. However them body do not suffice to flexibility, therefore at non-observance of an optimum diet the damages of a mucous environment of a stomach (ulcer), and also allergy and auto-immunnical disease (for example, a parodontosis, an arthritis) because of excessive activization of immune system are probable. For "0-people" the diseases of blood, inflammatic disease lowered function of thyroid gland are characteristic also. They require the increased quantity of calcium, as its basic source (dairy products) is inaccessible for them.
The complex preparation VITAL 0 contains more than 40 components, including calcium, B-complex, manganese. two complex of antioxidants, and also vegetative extracts for preventive maintenance of dangerous diseases for 0-people.
Structure of the complex VITAL 0 (contents in to one tablet):
Betacarotene |
1,20 mg |
Iron |
3 mg |
Vitamin C |
60,0 mg |
Copper |
0,50 mg |
Vitamin B1 |
1,40 mg |
Zinc |
5 mg |
Vitamin B2 |
1,60 mg |
Chromium |
20 mcg |
Vitamin B6 |
2 mg |
Selenium |
15 mcg |
Vitamin B12 |
1 mcg |
Manganese |
2 mg |
Niacinamide |
18 mg |
Potassium |
20 mg |
Choline |
20 mg |
Molybdenum |
80 mcg |
Inositol |
20 mg |
Boron |
50 mcg |
PABA (para-aminobenzoic Acid) |
5 mg |
Vanadium |
10 mcg |
Biotin |
40 mcg |
Nickel |
30 mcg |
Panthotenic Acid |
5 mg |
Silicon |
1 mg |
Folic Acid |
150 mcg |
L-glutation Complex |
5 mg |
Rutin |
4 mg |
L-cystein |
20 mg |
Lemon Bioflavanoid Complex |
4 mg |
Yucca stalk |
30 mg |
Hesperidin Complex |
5 mg |
Lycorys root (extract 4:1) |
10 mg |
Cvercetin |
5 mg |
Curcuma (stand. 9%) |
5 mg |
Betaine HCl |
10 mg |
Parsley leaves |
50 mg |
Iodine |
50 mcg |
Plum fruit |
20 mg |
Calcium |
100 mg |
Bilberry |
20 mg |
Magnesium |
50 mg |
Horse-radish root |
15 mg |
Producent: CaliVita International, USA
Amount: 90 tabs.
This is a natural product, does not contain artificial dyes, sweeteners and preservatives.
Recommended doze: 1 tablet 2-3 times per day after meal, drinking by a plenty of water or your liked juice. After a monthly rate of reception it is recommended to make a break 10-12 days. Rate is 3-4 in year.
The main task of additions to a feed for the people having group of blood A (II) is to strengthen immine system and to increase stability to stresses. The illness of a liver and kidneys, infectious and cardiovascular diseases are characteristic for them. They have also highest among all blood groups risk of oncological diseases. Therefore they require also additional reception vegetative antioxidants, selenium and vitamin Е. The additional reception of iron and vitamins of group B for preventive maintenance of anemias is necessary also for them.
The structure of complex VITAL A is developed in view of dangerous diseases forA-people. It contains the big list of vitamins, mineral elements and the vegetative extracts in the best way supplementing a diet of people with blood group A (II).
Structure of the complex VITAL A (contents in to one tablet):
Betacarotene |
1,20 mg |
Iron |
8,00 mg |
Vitamin E |
10,00 IU |
Copper |
0,50 mg |
Vitamin C |
60,0 mg |
Zinc |
8,00 mg |
Vitamin B1 |
1,40 mg |
Chromium |
50,00 mcg |
Vitamin B2 |
1,60 mg |
Selenium |
40,00 mcg |
Vitamin B6 |
2,00 mg |
Manganese |
1,00 mg |
Vitamin B12 |
1,00 mcg |
Potassium |
20,00 mg |
Niacinamide |
18,00 mg |
Molybdenum |
80,00 mcg |
Choline |
20,00 mg |
Boron |
50,00 mcg |
Inositol |
20,00 mg |
Vanadium |
10,00 mcg |
PABA (para-aminobenzoic Acid) |
5,00 mg |
Nickel |
30,00 mcg |
Biotin |
40,00 mcg |
Silicon |
1,00 mg |
Panthotenic Acid |
5,00 mg |
L-glutation Complex |
5,00 mg |
Folic Acid |
150 mcg |
L-cystein |
20,00 mg |
Rutin |
4,00 mg |
Bromelain |
25,00 mg |
Lemon Bioflavanoid Complex |
3,00 mg |
Hawthorn leaves |
10,00 mg |
Hesperidin Complex |
5,00 mg |
Green tea extract |
10,00 mg |
Cvercetin |
5,00 mg |
Parsley leaves |
50,00 mg |
Betaine HCl |
10,00 mg |
Plum fruit |
20,00 mg |
Iodine |
50,00 mcg |
Bilberry |
20,00 mg |
Calcium |
100,00 mg |
Oregano leaves |
50,00 mg |
Magnesium |
50,00 mg |
Ginseng (root extract ) |
5,00 mg |
Producent: CaliVita International, USA
Amount: 90 tabs.
This is a natural product, does not contain artificial dyes, sweeteners and preservatives.
Recommended doze: 1 tablet 2-3 times per day after meal, drinking by a plenty of water or your liked juice. After a monthly rate of reception it is recommended to make a break 10-12 days. Rate is 3-4 in year.
The blood group B (III) represents "golden mean" ("B" as "balance"). In its salutary diet the rather various products are balanced. This is unique group, in which only by transition to a diet it is possible to get rid of all illnesses. However non-triviality, originality of this blood group defines also original set of illnesses, by which "carriers" of blood group B are generically predisposed. In this group is highest percent of of neurologic diseases; "B-people" are inclined to a diabetes and adiposity, diseases of kidneys and auto-immunical deseases (for example, a multiple sclerosis). Immune system of the B-people is a friend of viruses. Therefore for them the anti-virus preparations, and also immunomodulators are important.
The structure of preparation VITAL B for carriers of this blood group includes, except for a base vitamin and mineral complex, also digestive enzymes, antioxidants, extracts of curative plants with protective and immuno-modulating properties.
Structure of the complex VITAL B (contents in to one tablet):
Betacarotene |
1,20 mg |
Iron |
3,00 mg |
Vitamin E |
10,00 IU |
Copper |
0,50 mg |
Vitamin C |
60,0 mg |
Zinc |
5,00 mg |
Vitamin B1 |
1,40 mg |
Chromium |
20,00 mcg |
Vitamin B2 |
1,60 mg |
Selenium |
15,00 mcg |
Vitamin B6 |
2,00 mg |
Manganese |
1,00 mg |
Vitamin B12 |
1,00 mcg |
Potassium |
20,00 mg |
Niacinamide |
18,00 mg |
Molybdenum |
80,00 mcg |
Choline |
20,00 mg |
Boron |
50,00 mcg |
Inositol |
20,00 mg |
Vanadium |
10,00 mcg |
PABA (para-aminobenzoic Acid) |
5,00 mg |
Nickel |
30,00 mcg |
Biotin |
40,00 mcg |
Silicon |
1,00 mg |
Panthotenic Acid |
5,00 mg |
L-glutation Complex |
5,00 mg |
Folic Acid |
50,00 mcg |
L-cystein |
20,00 mg |
Rutin |
4,00 mg |
Bromelain |
25,00 mg |
Lemon Bioflavanoid Complex |
4,00 mg |
Lecithin |
100,00 mg |
Hesperidin Complex |
5,00 mg |
Lycorys root (extract 4:1) |
10,00 mg |
Betaine HCl |
10,00 mg |
Parsley leaves |
50,00 mg |
Iodine |
50,00 mcg |
Broccoli |
50,00 mg |
Calcium |
100,00 mg |
Elder berries extract (stand. 5% of flavon.) |
10,00 mg |
Magnesium |
50,00 mg |
Reishi mushrooms extract (stand. 10% of polyfen.) |
10,00 mg |
Shiitake mushrooms extract (stand. 3,2%) |
10,00 mg |
Producent: CaliVita International, USA
Amount: 90 tabs.
This is a natural product, does not contain artificial dyes, sweeteners and preservatives.
Recommended doze: 1 tablet 2-3 times per day after meal, drinking by a plenty of water or your liked juice. After a monthly rate of reception it is recommended to make a break 10-12 days. Rate is 3-4 in year.
The blood group AB (IV) which have resulted mixing of groups A and B, has united in itself alongside with advantages as well weak places of both groups. In an organism of AB-people the increased need for animal protein characteristic for group B, is genetically programmed. But the level of acidity of gastric juice and fermental activity are lowered, as at people of blood group A, therefore animal protein are insufficiently well digested and acquired, and it leads to diseases of gastrointestinal tract. The immune system also is approached to immune systems A-and B-people owing to what it is tolerant both to bacteria, and to viruses. Therefore at AB-people the risk of cancer diseases, especially a cancer of a thick gut also is increased.
The complex VITAL AB containing all necessary substance for preventive maintenance dangerous for people of this blood group diseases, including the important antioxidants cvercetin and selenium, bioflavonoid complexes and a set of vegetative extracts, gives all-round protection to people with blood group AB.
Structure of the complex VITAL AB (contents in to one tablet):
Betacarotene |
1,20 mg |
Iron |
5,00 mg |
Vitamin E |
10,00 IU |
Copper |
0,50 mg |
Vitamin C |
60,0 mg |
Zinc |
8,00 mg |
Vitamin B1 |
1,40 mg |
Chromium |
30,00 mcg |
Vitamin B2 |
1,60 mg |
Selenium |
40,00 mcg |
Vitamin B6 |
2,00 mg |
Manganese |
1,00 mg |
Vitamin B12 |
1,00 mcg |
Potassium |
20,00 mg |
Niacinamide |
18,00 mg |
Molybdenum |
80,00 mcg |
Choline |
20,00 mg |
Boron |
50,00 mcg |
Inositol |
20,00 mg |
Vanadium |
10,00 mcg |
PABA (para-aminobenzoic Acid) |
5,00 mg |
Nickel |
30,00 mcg |
Biotin |
40,00 mcg |
Silicon |
1,00 mg |
Panthotenic Acid |
5,00 mg |
L-glutation Complex |
5,00 mg |
Folic Acid |
100 mcg |
L-cystein |
10,00 mg |
Rutin |
4,00 mg |
Bromelain |
25,00 mg |
Lemon Bioflavanoid Complex |
4,00 mg |
Extract of a red grapefruit skin |
10,00 mg |
Hesperidin Complex |
5,00 mg |
Green tea extract |
10,00 mg |
Betaine HCl |
10,00 mg |
Broccoli |
20,00 mg |
Iodine |
50,00 mcg |
Garlic |
50,00 mg |
Calcium |
100,00 mg |
Cranberry |
20,00 mg |
Magnesium |
80,00 mg |
Ginseng (root extract) |
5,00 mg |
Producent: CaliVita International, USA
Amount: 90 tabs.
This is a natural product, does not contain artificial dyes, sweeteners and preservatives.
Recommended doze: 1 tablet 2-3 times per day after meal, drinking by a plenty of water or your liked juice. After a monthly rate of reception it is recommended to make a break 10-12 days. Rate is 3-4 in year.
Topic >>
Catalog of products
Vitamins, antioxidants
Minerals, microelements
For your blood group
Herbal formulas
Target nutraceuticals
Liquid formulas
Healthcare devices
CaliVita® International:
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