CaliVita International, USA
Quantity: 100 tablets
Amount per each tablet:
Pancreatin |
75 mg |
Glutamic acid |
25 mg |
Pepsin |
17,5 mg |
Curcuma |
37,5 mg |
Betain HCl |
10 mg |
Fenchel seeds |
75 mg |
Diastase (amylase) |
10 mg |
Bromelain |
12,5 mg |
Papain |
5 mg |
Protease |
7,5 mg |
The product is made exclusively from natural ingredients
Without enzymes there is no life. Our health depends not on the quality of food, like how we are able to digest it. If your body, except the necessary nutrients gets with food enough digestive enzymes, then only your meal can be called full.
Our bodies can get enough enzymes only if 70% of our food will be unprocessed (raw) products. Using fried, stewed, pasteurized food, we force our pancreas to perform heavy work on production its own enzymes, as well as the processing of products destroys most of their natural enzymes. The constant overload of pancreas may lead to its depletion, cell death and severe illness. At older people pancreas often are no longer able to produce enough enzymes, which leads to loss of nutrients. Lack of enzymes also arises because of a shortage of vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for their elaborate.
Easiest way to eliminate many of digestive violations is the admission of digestive enzymes. Enzyme complexes could become solving this problem, becose they would help your body split that is it unable to split.
Papain, which relates to enzymes, fissile proteins, naturally found in leaves and unripe fruits of tropical papaya tree. Papain can mitigate used meat even before the start of its digestion in stomach.
Complex supplement Digest Ease is also a product solely of vegetable origin and will be able to split that the human body is not capable to split, although it would be desirability. It is, for example, cellulose, of the walls of plant cells, which causes unpleasant fuel, especially whenchewing of food is insufficient. The complex of enzymes, which is in supplement Digest Ease, is formed by mold and, thanks to its activity in a wide range of pH (3,0-8,0), in the entire digestive tract, it disposes activity of protease, amilase, pectinase, fosfatase and nuclease.
The complex of enzymes, entering into supplement Digestive Enzymes, can be used for preventive maintenance and supports of treatment almost any form of infringements of digestion. This dietary supplement helps dissolution of blood clots in blood vessels.
Enzyme complexes provide substantial assistance with food non-digestion, stimulate job of gall bladder, liver, mucous membrane of thin and thick bowel. Their advantage is that they do not contain the ingredients of cereal, milk, fish products, citrus fruits and eggs, which often cause allergic reactions.
Recommended dosage: 1-2 tablets 3 times a day during meal or according to doctor's instructions.