CaliVita International, USA
Quantity: 100 tablets
Amount per each tablet:
Korean ginseng ............... 500 mg
The product is made exclusively from natural ingredients
Currently, the admission of ginseng as an food supplement is distributed worldwide. It promotes physical and mental abilities. Ginseng treats impotence, high and low blood pressure, inflammation of the joints, digestive problems, insomnia, circulatory violations and hypoglycemia (decreased blood sugar). By stimulating effect on the work of internal secretion glands, it helps the body make better use of vitamins and minerals.
Admission of ginseng can be useful to everyone, regardless of age or sex. Not coincidentally in China believe it the root of life: taking it, you can slow the aging process, preserve forces and vitality. What ginseng is older, the more active substances it contains. In the case of Korean ginseng present quality indicator is that the drug is manufactured from the plant of 5-7 years age.
The ginseng supports work of a brain, increases formation of adrenaline, postpones feeling of weariness. At sportsmen during competitions and trainings effect of ginseng manifested as follows: organism uses for development of energy less glycogen, but more free fat acids. Ginseng also increases efficiency of the lungs, increases their function, with use of oxygen it considerably lowers a level of a lactic acid in blood, so the athlete less tired.
In spite of the fact that ginseng is not a medicine, the people suffering from a high blood pressure or heart disease, before reception of the ordered medicines simultaneously with a ginseng should to consult to the attending physician. The low doze of a ginseng increases a blood pressure, a high doze it reduces.
It is very important to know, that the ginseng is most effective in the form of capsules or tablets which are dissolved in intestines. Different alcoholic extracts not always contain appropriate quantity of ginseng and not always have appropriate action.
Recommended dosage: adults on an empty stomach 1 x 1-2 tablets daily (not combine with coffee).