CaliVita International, USA
Quantity: 32 OZ (946 ml)
Ingredients: One packing contains
Concentrated juice of mangosteen with additives of fruit extracts:
- red grapes (kontsentrated juice)
- strawberries (concentrated juice)
- cranberries (concentrated juice)
- raspberries (concentrated juice)
- cherry (concentrated juice)
- apple (concentrated juice)
- pear (concentrated juice)
- pear (mashed)
- cranberry (concentrated juice)
The product is made exclusively from natural ingredients
Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) is very sweet exotic fruit which practically is not known in our territories. But in the tropical countries mangosteen called king of tropical fruits and "a fruit of gods". Fresh fruit has pulp of pearl-white color which easily thaws in a mouth and has thin and pleasant taste. Gourmets dessert - mangosteen in a champagne - has received fantastic success. In Northern America and the Europe mangosteen is for the present practically unknown, as the climate in these regions very much differs from a climate of Southeast Asia.
Mangosteen is unique fruit which contains xanthones, and it has the highest among all fruit a parameter of antioxidant activity ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity). Independent scientific researches have shown, that mangosteen contains more than 40 xanthones - that is, about 20 % from 200 kinds of xanthones, found out in the nature. Mangosteen is the most rich source of xanthones known science.
Many of this family of xanthones were in the study even more powerful antioxidants than vitamins C and E, the two most powerful antioxidants contained in food. Scientific and pharmacological studies have also found a variety of influences of xanthones at improving the functions of immune system and heals properties.
Mangosteen not only has exclusively high contents of xanthones - flavonoids with powerful antioxidant effect - but also replete with other antioxidants - catechins and polyphenols. This is the only product that contains solar energy in the required of the body quantity.
It helps maintain optimal weight through detoxification and cleanse the body, increases the effeciency of diets, is a necessary supplement to the diet, with malnutrition. It also helps to control the level of fat and sugar in the blood, prevents premature aging.
Complex dietary supplement Zen Thonic promotes preservation of health at a cellular level. It protects from influence of fatal factors of an environment, promotes self-restoration of an organism and strengthens immune system.
ZenThonic very positive affect on the body, as well as in its composition mangosteen juice enriched with additives of red grapes, bilberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, as well as concentrated apple juice and pear juice. All these fruits, in addition to enzymes, vitamins, trace elements and antocyanes, are very rich other useful compounds, such as ellagic acid, phytanic acid, as well as vegetable fibre. Each of these fruits has a part of concentrated solar energy and is a rich source of variety protective and nutritious substances.
United together, they represent almost a complete set of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and food fiber necessary to our body. In addition, they created vibrations correspond with vibration frequency of cells that guarantees the smooth operation of all its systems.
Dietary supplement Zen Thonic:
- increases efficiency of starvation and procedures of clearing of an organism;
- increases efficiency of digestion and improves work of intestines;
- helps in normalizing lipid level and level of blood sugar, as well as blood pressure;
- slows down processes of ageing;
- strengthens immune system, increases resistency of an organism, and also strengthens anti-inflammatory mechanisms;
- is an effective energizer: improves efficiency and saves high energy potential on cellular level, especially for brain cells;
- possesses antiallergic action;
- strengthens the gum tissue;
- protects eye lens and promotes preservation of visual acuity.
Recommended dosage: 1 - 2 tbsp daily.