CaliVita International, USA
Quantity: 60 tablets
Amount per each tablet:
Melatonin ........................... 3,0 mg
The product is made exclusively from natural ingredients
Pineal gland (epiphysis, the "third eye") located near the base of the brain, so in the past century believed that it has extraordinary properties. The famous French philosopher Rene Descartes believed that "there dwells the soul"; in the Middle Ages, this gland was also surrounded by many mysteries. Today we know more about it, but much still remains unsolved.
This gland produces epithalamin and melatonin, two substances, that gained recent attention. If you believe scientists predict, they are among the most promising compounds in our time, and it is believed that they have a beneficial effect on the body and have no side effects.
At night melatonin is produced by the pineal gland from serotonin, which plays the role of the sender's incentives in the brain. Melatonin plays an important role - along with other factors - to control the so-called circular rhythms, which includes the daily cycle of sleep and wakefulness. Its production increases with decreasing the amount of natural daylight, and that provides a physiological rest of the body.
This is extremely important, because during wakefulness in the body accumulates a significant amount of toxic substances that can be displayed only during sleep, and this happens in humans with normal biorhythms. Irregular sleep, the use of artificial light sources violate biological rhythms; melatonin production become insufficient, while the lack of sleep leads to exhaustion and premature aging.
However, people are subjected to constant stress, even if they go to bed on time, too, can not sleep because they suffer sleep disturbances. The result or to be more precise, the consequences are the same.
The balance between sleep and waking also disrupted by businessmen and athletes, often traveling between continents, as often they do not have time to adapt to the time difference, they must act immediately "to full power". Of course, in most cases this is accompanied by reduced capacity for work.
It is here that the use of food supplements containing melatonin, could provide substantial assistance. Reception 3-6 mg of melatonin for 1.5 hours before bedtime provides 6-8 hours of physiological good sleep, as a result you will feel calm and able to work at the right level.
Undoubtedly, the most promising effect of melatonin - proven in experiments on animals - is its ability to prolong the youthfulness of the body. We still do not know the exact mechanism, but one can assume that this is due to better coordination of the endocrine glands.
In addition to the above, experiments carried out with melatonin showed that it has a beneficial effect also in malignant tumors. However, this theory has yet to be proven medically.
- Acceptance of melatonin to correct sleep disorders is recommended only on a case by case and with intervals.
Recommended dosage: 1-1,5 hours prior to a planned dream 0,5-2 tablets (1,5-6 mg).