CaliVita International, USA
Quantity: 32 OZ (946 ml)
Ingredients: One packing contains
The concentrated extract of Morinda citrifolia, grown in a natural way.
The product is made exclusively from natural ingredients
Homeland of Noni is Polynesia, it grows also in Malaysia, Australia and Southeast Asia. Its curative properties during are used many centuries by the Hawaiian inhabitants. Palm tree, where year-round mature noni fruit, called Morinda citrifiolia, reaches a height of 10 meters and gives a rich harvest each month. Curative effect of these fruits to various health problems not only proved, but also evident from the high percentage of people who tried it, even rather quickly - about 3 months after start of the reception.
Noni trees grow in the natural environment. On average, each year one tree brings 800 kg of noni fruit. This curative plant was open to the Western world only the second half of 20-century. It was subjected to comprehensive study by scientists and doctors, who uncovered many of its secrets.
What is curative effect of noni?
If our body is in the physical and mental equilibrium, there is produced in sufficient quantities xeronin - substance that prompts the immune system work and helps to produce the necessary enzymes for the work. This gives the body forces itself to cope with threats to him problems. Ageing, stress, the unhealthy vital environment are factors which lead to that manufacture of xeronin in organism goes down.
Noni delivers body substance necessary for the production of xeronin (proxeronin), cells under its influence starting to absorb more nutrients from food and food supplements, and thus the body comes back into the original balance. In addition, other specific components of noni are helping recycling exfoliated cells and their regeneration, that makes the preventive effect of this drug on the growth of cancer cells.
Of course, we do not feel directly this action of noni, but through a short time of its application, we get a total improvement of physical and mental condition.
Polinesian Noni is the recognized stimulator of immune system and simultaneously effective antioxidant. Noni contains adaptogens that help humans more easily adapt to sudden changes in the situation, change of time zone, atmospheric pressure, etc. Noni also contains digestive enzymes, thus has a normalizing effect on the digestive process.
Noni helps reduce blood pressure to normal, reduces painful sensations with arthritis, helps with diabetes (I and II types), gives feeling good mood and calm. Clinical research proved highly efficiency of Noni, with more than 20 health problems. Refining of Noni based on the old ways, includes ripening and fermentation.
New CaliVita product - Organic Noni - is made from the fruit of Morinda citrifolia, grown on organic farms, using modern environmentally friendly technologies. Certified ecological products do not pollute the environment.
Organic (or "bio-") fruit and vegetables are grown in small areas using, for the most part, manual work, without the use of chemical fertilizers, antibiotics, and pesticides. They have better taste and contain more nutrients (antioxidants, minerals). "Organic Noni" is a fruit drink containing certified noni juice and raspberries.
Recommended dosage: 2 tbsp of juice daily. The dosage is not connected with body weight. Recommend to accept product at least within three months.