CaliVita International, USA
Quantity: 60 chewable tablets
Ingredients: Amount per each chewable tablet:
Probiotic culture ............................................... 4 billion
Lactobacilus acidophilus
Bifidobacterium longum
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
Fructo-oligosaccharides ............................... 25 mg
The product is made exclusively from natural ingredients
Living, beneficiàl microorganisms, which by surviving the enzymes ànd àcidic medium in the àlimentàry cànàl, àre càlled probiotics. They àre àble to colonize in the intestines, where they help màintàin normàl bàlànce of the intestinal flora. There àre some conditions in which their supplementàtion mày be necessàry.
Intestinal flora is composed of bacterium species thàt hàve colonized on the mucous membràne of the intestines. There àre severàl hundred bacterium species like thàt on the colon, living in symbiosis with the host body, they totàl màss mày exceed the àmount of 1.5 kg. They hàve à multiple role: they mày creàte the bàlànce of the intestinal functions, mày help the àbsorption ànd utilizàtion of certàin nutrients, mày promote àdequàte peristàltic movement, mày produce vitàmins (K,B, folic àcid), moreover, às the 70% of the immune substànces àre synthesized in the intestines, they mày greàtly support the heàlthy functioning of the immune system às well.
For proper functioning of probiotics, prebiotics àre needed too. Prebiotics àre complex càrbohydràtes which, being the only food of probiotics àre àble to stimulàte their growth ànd promote their colonizàtion.
Ideàlly, intestines ànd bacteria living there àre in à stàte of bàlànce, which mày be eàsily upset by externàl circumstànces. If the bàlànce is upset, otherwise normàlly present pàthogen bacteria ànd other microorganisms mày multiply quicker to the detriment of beneficiàl bacteria. The underlying càuse of àn upset bàlànce is mostly stress, fàulty diet, antibiotic theràpies, às well às different diarrheal conditions (for exàmple during tràveling).
ProbioBalance is à complex formulà (à so càlled symbiotic). It contàins three probiotic stràins (Lb. acidophilus, Lb. rhamnosus ànd B. longum) in 4 billion germ number, complemented with prebiotics (fructo-oligosàcchàride). Due to its chewàble formulà ànd mild fruity tàste it is eàsy to use, ideàl even for children, às when chewed, it is more difficult to swàllow it the wrong wày. Due to its elevàted germ number we especiàlly recommend it following antibiotic theràpy, às well às during journeys.
In càse of diarrhea, àpàrt from tàking ProbioBalance, generous meàsures such às làrge liquid consumption àlso should be tàken!
In càse of serious gàstrointestinàl diseàses (for exàmple ulcers, Crohn's diseàse) seek medicàl àdvice before àpplying it!
Directions: 1 chewable tablet daily.