CaliVita International, USA
Quantity: 60 tablets
Amount per each tablet:
Spirulina ............................... 500 mg
The product is made exclusively from natural ingredients
Spirulina is excellent nutritious substance. Approximately 40-60% of dry raw materials is low, easy absorbed substance. It contains full-fledged proteins, so even vegetarians can use it as a substitute for amino acids. Spirulina has a high concentration of iodine and potassium, which makes it recommended for people taking diuretics drugs.
Due to the high content of natural iodine spirulina can equalize the decreased function of the thyroid gland. It also serves as a natural source of iron, which gives the possibility to use it as iron substitute. In addition, spirulina contains many different vitamins. There are whole B group, vitamins C, E, A and linolenic acid, also nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) and chlorophyll, which is an excellent tool for skin and has antibacterial properties.
Used spirulina obtained excellent results in viral diseases. Proved beneficial effect of spirulina with herpes and influenza. Unequivocally proved that spirulina increases the body's immunity. Therefore, doctors are increasingly using it with additional treatment of various diseases.
Spirulina has antioxidant properties, normalizes metabolism in the body, promotes the removal of the body incorporated lead and strontium salts (for the month displays 66.9% of the strontium from bones); showing up protective effect at pathologic processes in the liver; lowers cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood; warns of early aging of the body.
Spirulina is recommended at such diseases: atherosclerosis, miokardioskleroze, gastrointestinal diseases (hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, ulcers of stomach and duodenum), anemia, diseases, which have resulted in oppression of immune system, for removing toxic xenobiotics from the body. Recommended at ray damage, for the prevention and treatment of heart diseases (myocarditis, arrhythmia).
We recommend it for children born after the Chernobyl NPP accident, which have a low incidence of physical activity - 0.5 grams per day for 21 days. For children with frequent disease since 3 years - 1 g daily during the spring and autumn months. Recommended for children from 6 months age (0.25 g) to 15 years (1 g) - two courses for two weeks, one week break. It is possible recovery from bedwetting.
Patients, suffering the increased function of a thyroid gland accepting of preparations with seaweed it is not recommended. Under the sanction of the doctor these preparations can be accepted only in small quantities (maximal doze - 4-6 tablets daily).
Recommended dosage: children - 2 x 1 tablet, adults - 2 x 2 daily, before eating better.