For example, there are dietary supplements that treat seasonal depression much better than medicinal anti-depressants, which, moreover, have a number of side effects and therefore can not be used for a long time. Supplements, on the contrary, are absolutely harmless.
There are nutraceuticals that fight inflammation processes not worse than the anti-inflammatory drugs - aspirin, indometacin and others. These nutraceuticals are plant origin and restore the natural balance between inflammatory and anti-inflammatory processes, which had been lost by patient due to poor lifestyle. For example, nutraceuticals, based on chondroprotectors help in arthritis and arthrosis no worse than steroids, but they does not violate the hormonal balance of the body.
Complex target nutraceuticals specifically designed for use in the treatment of specific diseases. They can be used independently or as a complement to medical treatment for improving its efficiency and reduce the dosage of medicines. The fact that many drugs have contraindications to use.
Therefore, if in your case any drug from the designated rate is not applicable, you can use instead appropriate dietary supplement as nutraceuticals have much less of contraindications and they almost always can be combined with medication. Targeted nutraceuticals can also be used to prevent specific health problems.
What is the advantage of target nutraceuticals?
First, the target nutraceuticals were issued only in the last 10 years based on the latest research and modern ideas about the causes of diseases. This means that they are much more modern than many drugs that are used in medicine for several decades.
Secondly, the composition of the target nutraceuticals is so prepared that their active substances (herbal extracts, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other ingredients) increase the effect of each other. This means that such a complex operating more efficiently, therefore, its cost are much lower than the cost of another cure.
Thirdly, not a doctor treats, but Nature. Targeted nutraceuticals awaken and strengthen the body's ability to self-rehabilitation. They must also contain substances that boost the immune system, increase the adaptive capacity of the body and its energetics. They evoke the best healer - defense forces of the organism.
It is often much difficult not to defeat the disease, but to withdraw from the body products of metabolism of drugs taken. Nutraceuticals do not contain any substances that should not be in a healthy organism. That is why the use of dietary supplements in the therapy is often more natural than the use of drugs.
Today's nutraceuticals are developed on the base of latest scientific achievements, but they also use the experience of traditional medicine of various peoples and recipes tested for centuries. Such symbiosis of science and tradition makes the target nutraceuticals of СalіVіta International truly invaluable resource for everyone.