CaliVita International, USA
Quantity: 100 capsules
Amount per each capsule:
Bark of a white willow ............. 400 mg
The product is made exclusively from natural ingredients
White willow (Salux alba) in national medicine is used from time immemorial. Its ability to reduce a pain and temperature is most known, but is applied and as strengthening means, and also to clarification of blood. It can be applied at internal bleedings, inflammatory processes of a stomach and an intestines, rheumatism, joint pains, an inflammation of a bladder, problems with a liver, kidneys and heart. Its use is recommended after 50 years already even because it protects from a heart attack. It is known wormout action of white willow bark, it is useful at a malaria, it is possible to apply it as a compress at frozeness and a hemorrhoids.
It contains a large number of salicyl, salicartin and other substances (glycosides, tannin, acids and enzymes). It can be safely described as a natural aspirin. From salicyl contained therein, the body produces salicylic acid, but its side effects are less evident than that of a known drug. It is known that high doses of aspirin damages the digestive system and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, stomach ulcers, as well as allergic reactions, the noise in the ears, may even lead to deafness or cause diseases of the respiratory system.
As a result of researches has proved to be true, that not steroid anti-inflammatory compounds of aspirin character are capable to strengthen reaction of immune system and to not admit inflammatory process. Salicyl, located in the white willow bark, unlike aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) works selectively, therefore at its application only occasionally arise small problems in functioning a gastroenteric path. Salicyl, passing through a gastroenteric path, renders, first of all, positive influence on a liver.
It is necessary to adhere to recommended dosages, because excessively big doze (20-25 capsules daily) can cause a problem with a stomach.
Recommended dosage: 2-3 capsules each 4 hours or as required, but no more than 18 capsules daily. Children 1-2 capsules each 4-6 hours.